Settings menu.'); $js_messages['strQueryCacheEfficiency'] = __('Query cache efficiency'); $js_messages['strQueryCacheUsage'] = __('Query cache usage'); $js_messages['strQueryCacheUsed'] = __('Query cache used'); $js_messages['strSystemCPUUsage'] = __('System CPU Usage'); $js_messages['strSystemMemory'] = __('System memory'); $js_messages['strSystemSwap'] = __('System swap'); $js_messages['strAverageLoad'] = __('Average load'); $js_messages['strTotalMemory'] = __('Total memory'); $js_messages['strCachedMemory'] = __('Cached memory'); $js_messages['strBufferedMemory'] = __('Buffered memory'); $js_messages['strFreeMemory'] = __('Free memory'); $js_messages['strUsedMemory'] = __('Used memory'); $js_messages['strTotalSwap'] = __('Total Swap'); $js_messages['strCachedSwap'] = __('Cached Swap'); $js_messages['strUsedSwap'] = __('Used Swap'); $js_messages['strFreeSwap'] = __('Free Swap'); $js_messages['strBytesSent'] = __('Bytes sent'); $js_messages['strBytesReceived'] = __('Bytes received'); $js_messages['strConnections'] = __('Connections'); $js_messages['strProcesses'] = __('Processes'); /* summary row */ $js_messages['strB'] = __('B'); $js_messages['strKiB'] = __('KiB'); $js_messages['strMiB'] = __('MiB'); $js_messages['strGiB'] = __('GiB'); $js_messages['strTiB'] = __('TiB'); $js_messages['strPiB'] = __('PiB'); $js_messages['strEiB'] = __('EiB'); $js_messages['strTables'] = __('%d table(s)'); /* l10n: Questions is the name of a MySQL Status variable */ $js_messages['strQuestions'] = __('Questions'); $js_messages['strTraffic'] = __('Traffic'); $js_messages['strSettings'] = __('Settings'); $js_messages['strRemoveChart'] = __('Remove chart'); $js_messages['strEditChart'] = __('Edit title and labels'); $js_messages['strAddChart'] = __('Add chart to grid'); $js_messages['strClose'] = __('Close'); $js_messages['strAddOneSeriesWarning'] = __('Please add at least one variable to the series'); $js_messages['strNone'] = __('None'); $js_messages['strResumeMonitor'] = __('Resume monitor'); $js_messages['strPauseMonitor'] = __('Pause monitor'); /* Monitor: Instructions Dialog */ $js_messages['strBothLogOn'] = __('general_log and slow_query_log are enabled.'); $js_messages['strGenLogOn'] = __('general_log is enabled.'); $js_messages['strSlowLogOn'] = __('slow_query_log is enabled.'); $js_messages['strBothLogOff'] = __('slow_query_log and general_log are disabled.'); $js_messages['strLogOutNotTable'] = __('log_output is not set to TABLE.'); $js_messages['strLogOutIsTable'] = __('log_output is set to TABLE.'); $js_messages['strSmallerLongQueryTimeAdvice'] = __('slow_query_log is enabled, but the server logs only queries that take longer than %d seconds. It is advisable to set this long_query_time 0-2 seconds, depending on your system.'); $js_messages['strLongQueryTimeSet'] = __('long_query_time is set to %d second(s).'); $js_messages['strSettingsAppliedGlobal'] = __('Following settings will be applied globally and reset to default on server restart:'); /* l10n: %s is FILE or TABLE */ $js_messages['strSetLogOutput'] = __('Set log_output to %s'); /* l10n: Enable in this context means setting a status variable to ON */ $js_messages['strEnableVar'] = __('Enable %s'); /* l10n: Disable in this context means setting a status variable to OFF */ $js_messages['strDisableVar'] = __('Disable %s'); /* l10n: %d seconds */ $js_messages['setSetLongQueryTime'] = __('Set long_query_time to %ds'); $js_messages['strNoSuperUser'] = __('You can\'t change these variables. Please log in as root or contact your database administrator.'); $js_messages['strChangeSettings'] = __('Change settings'); $js_messages['strCurrentSettings'] = __('Current settings'); $js_messages['strChartTitle'] = __('Chart Title'); /* l10n: As in differential values */ $js_messages['strDifferential'] = __('Differential'); $js_messages['strDividedBy'] = __('Divided by %s'); $js_messages['strUnit'] = __('Unit'); $js_messages['strFromSlowLog'] = __('From slow log'); $js_messages['strFromGeneralLog'] = __('From general log'); $js_messages['strAnalysingLogsTitle'] = __('Analysing logs'); $js_messages['strAnalysingLogs'] = __('Analysing & loading logs. This may take a while.'); $js_messages['strCancelRequest'] = __('Cancel request'); $js_messages['strCountColumnExplanation'] = __('This column shows the amount of identical queries that are grouped together. However only the SQL query itself has been used as a grouping criteria, so the other attributes of queries, such as start time, may differ.'); $js_messages['strMoreCountColumnExplanation'] = __('Since grouping of INSERTs queries has been selected, INSERT queries into the same table are also being grouped together, disregarding of the inserted data.'); $js_messages['strLogDataLoaded'] = __('Log data loaded. Queries executed in this time span:'); $js_messages['strJumpToTable'] = __('Jump to Log table'); $js_messages['strNoDataFoundTitle'] = __('No data found'); $js_messages['strNoDataFound'] = __('Log analysed, but no data found in this time span.'); $js_messages['strAnalyzing'] = __('Analyzing…'); $js_messages['strExplainOutput'] = __('Explain output'); $js_messages['strStatus'] = __('Status'); $js_messages['strTime'] = __('Time'); $js_messages['strTotalTime'] = __('Total time:'); $js_messages['strProfilingResults'] = __('Profiling results'); $js_messages['strTable'] = _pgettext('Display format', 'Table'); $js_messages['strChart'] = __('Chart'); $js_messages['strChartEdit'] = __('Edit chart'); $js_messages['strSeries'] = __('Series'); /* l10n: A collection of available filters */ $js_messages['strFiltersForLogTable'] = __('Log table filter options'); /* l10n: Filter as in "Start Filtering" */ $js_messages['strFilter'] = __('Filter'); $js_messages['strFilterByWordRegexp'] = __('Filter queries by word/regexp:'); $js_messages['strIgnoreWhereAndGroup'] = __('Group queries, ignoring variable data in WHERE clauses'); $js_messages['strSumRows'] = __('Sum of grouped rows:'); $js_messages['strTotal'] = __('Total:'); $js_messages['strLoadingLogs'] = __('Loading logs'); $js_messages['strRefreshFailed'] = __('Monitor refresh failed'); $js_messages['strInvalidResponseExplanation'] = __('While requesting new chart data the server returned an invalid response. This is most likely because your session expired. Reloading the page and reentering your credentials should help.'); $js_messages['strReloadPage'] = __('Reload page'); $js_messages['strAffectedRows'] = __('Affected rows:'); $js_messages['strFailedParsingConfig'] = __('Failed parsing config file. It doesn\'t seem to be valid JSON code.'); $js_messages['strFailedBuildingGrid'] = __('Failed building chart grid with imported config. Resetting to default config…'); $js_messages['strImport'] = __('Import'); $js_messages['strImportDialogTitle'] = __('Import monitor configuration'); $js_messages['strImportDialogMessage'] = __('Please select the file you want to import'); $js_messages['strAnalyzeQuery'] = __('Analyse Query'); /* Server status advisor */ $js_messages['strAdvisorSystem'] = __('Advisor system'); $js_messages['strPerformanceIssues'] = __('Possible performance issues'); $js_messages['strIssuse'] = __('Issue'); $js_messages['strRecommendation'] = __('Recommendation'); $js_messages['strRuleDetails'] = __('Rule details'); $js_messages['strJustification'] = __('Justification'); $js_messages['strFormula'] = __('Used variable / formula'); $js_messages['strTest'] = __('Test'); /* For inline query editing */ $js_messages['strGo'] = __('Go'); $js_messages['strCancel'] = __('Cancel'); /* For Ajax Notifications */ $js_messages['strLoading'] = __('Loading'); $js_messages['strProcessingRequest'] = __('Processing Request'); $js_messages['strErrorProcessingRequest'] = __('Error in Processing Request'); $js_messages['strErrorCode'] = __('Error code: %s'); $js_messages['strErrorText'] = __('Error text: %s'); $js_messages['strNoDatabasesSelected'] = __('No databases selected.'); $js_messages['strDroppingColumn'] = __('Dropping Column'); $js_messages['strAddingPrimaryKey'] = __('Adding Primary Key'); $js_messages['strOK'] = __('OK'); $js_messages['strDismiss'] = __('Click to dismiss this notification'); /* For db_operations.js */ $js_messages['strRenamingDatabases'] = __('Renaming Databases'); $js_messages['strReloadDatabase'] = __('Reload Database'); $js_messages['strCopyingDatabase'] = __('Copying Database'); $js_messages['strChangingCharset'] = __('Changing Charset'); $js_messages['strTableMustHaveAtleastOneColumn'] = __('Table must have at least one column'); $js_messages['strYes'] = __('Yes'); $js_messages['strNo'] = __('No'); /* For db_stucture.js */ $js_messages['strInsertTable'] = __('Insert Table'); $js_messages['strHideIndexes'] = __('Hide indexes'); $js_messages['strShowIndexes'] = __('Show indexes'); $js_messages['strForeignKeyCheck'] = __('Foreign key check:'); $js_messages['strForeignKeyCheckEnabled'] = __('(Enabled)'); $js_messages['strForeignKeyCheckDisabled'] = __('(Disabled)'); /* For db_search.js */ $js_messages['strSearching'] = __('Searching'); $js_messages['strHideSearchResults'] = __('Hide search results'); $js_messages['strShowSearchResults'] = __('Show search results'); $js_messages['strBrowsing'] = __('Browsing'); $js_messages['strDeleting'] = __('Deleting'); /* For db_routines.js */ $js_messages['MissingReturn'] = __('The definition of a stored function must contain a RETURN statement!'); /* For ENUM/SET editor*/ $js_messages['enum_editor'] = __('ENUM/SET editor'); $js_messages['enum_columnVals'] =__('Values for column %s'); $js_messages['enum_newColumnVals'] = __('Values for a new column'); $js_messages['enum_hint'] =__('Enter each value in a separate field'); $js_messages['enum_addValue'] =__('Add %d value(s)'); /* For import.js */ $js_messages['strImportCSV'] = __('Note: If the file contains multiple tables, they will be combined into one'); /* For sql.js */ $js_messages['strHideQueryBox'] = __('Hide query box'); $js_messages['strShowQueryBox'] = __('Show query box'); $js_messages['strEdit'] = __('Edit'); $js_messages['strNoRowSelected'] = __('No rows selected'); $js_messages['strChangeTbl'] = __('Change'); $js_messages['strQueryExecutionTime'] = __('Query execution time'); $js_messages['strNotValidRowNumber'] = __('%d is not valid row number.'); /* For server_variables.js */ $js_messages['strSave'] = __('Save'); /* For tbl_select.js */ $js_messages['strHideSearchCriteria'] = __('Hide search criteria'); $js_messages['strShowSearchCriteria'] = __('Show search criteria'); /* For tbl_zoom_plot_jqplot.js */ $js_messages['strZoomSearch'] = __('Zoom Search'); $js_messages['strDisplayHelp'] = ''; $js_messages['strInputNull'] = '' . __('Select two columns') . ''; $js_messages['strSameInputs'] = '' . __('Select two different columns') . ''; $js_messages['strQueryResults'] = __('Query results'); $js_messages['strDataPointContent'] = __('Data point content'); /* For tbl_change.js */ $js_messages['strIgnore'] = __('Ignore'); $js_messages['strCopy'] = __('Copy'); $js_messages['strX'] = __('X'); $js_messages['strY'] = __('Y'); $js_messages['strPoint'] = __('Point'); $js_messages['strPointN'] = __('Point %d'); $js_messages['strLineString'] = __('Linestring'); $js_messages['strPolygon'] = __('Polygon'); $js_messages['strGeometry'] = __('Geometry'); $js_messages['strInnerRing'] = __('Inner Ring'); $js_messages['strOuterRing'] = __('Outer Ring'); $js_messages['strAddPoint'] = __('Add a point'); $js_messages['strAddInnerRing'] = __('Add an inner ring'); $js_messages['strAddPolygon'] = __('Add a polygon'); /* For tbl_structure.js */ $js_messages['strAddColumns'] = __('Add columns'); /* Designer (js/pmd/move.js) */ $js_messages['strSelectReferencedKey'] = __('Select referenced key'); $js_messages['strSelectForeignKey'] = __('Select Foreign Key'); $js_messages['strPleaseSelectPrimaryOrUniqueKey'] = __('Please select the primary key or a unique key'); $js_messages['strChangeDisplay'] = __('Choose column to display'); $js_messages['strLeavingDesigner'] = __('You haven\'t saved the changes in the layout. They will be lost if you don\'t save them. Do you want to continue?'); /* Visual query builder (js/pmd/move.js) */ $js_messages['strAddOption'] = __('Add an option for column '); $js_messages['strObjectsCreated'] = __('%d object(s) created'); /* For makegrid.js (column reordering, show/hide column, grid editing) */ $js_messages['strCellEditHint'] = __('Press escape to cancel editing'); $js_messages['strSaveCellWarning'] = __('You have edited some data and they have not been saved. Are you sure you want to leave this page before saving the data?'); $js_messages['strColOrderHint'] = __('Drag to reorder'); $js_messages['strSortHint'] = __('Click to sort'); $js_messages['strColMarkHint'] = __('Click to mark/unmark'); $js_messages['strColNameCopyHint'] = __('Double-click to copy column name'); $js_messages['strColVisibHint'] = __('Click the drop-down arrow
to toggle column\'s visibility'); $js_messages['strShowAllCol'] = __('Show all'); $js_messages['strAlertNonUnique'] = __('This table does not contain a unique column. Features related to the grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete links may not work after saving.'); // this approach does not work when the parameter is changed via user prefs switch ($GLOBALS['cfg']['GridEditing']) { case 'double-click': $js_messages['strGridEditFeatureHint'] = __('You can also edit most values
by double-clicking directly on them.'); break; case 'click': $js_messages['strGridEditFeatureHint'] = __('You can also edit most values
by clicking directly on them.'); break; default: break; } $js_messages['strGoToLink'] = __('Go to link'); $js_messages['strColNameCopyTitle'] = __('Copy column name'); $js_messages['strColNameCopyText'] = __('Right-click the column name to copy it to your clipboard.'); $js_messages['strShowDataRowLink'] = __('Show data row(s)'); /* password generation */ $js_messages['strGeneratePassword'] = __('Generate password'); $js_messages['strGenerate'] = __('Generate'); $js_messages['strChangePassword'] = __('Change Password'); /* navigation tabs */ $js_messages['strMore'] = __('More'); /* navigation panel */ $js_messages['strShowPanel'] = __('Show Panel'); $js_messages['strHidePanel'] = __('Hide Panel'); /* microhistory */ $js_messages['strInvalidPage'] = __('The requested page was not found in the history, it may have expired.'); /* update */ $js_messages['strNewerVersion'] = __('A newer version of phpMyAdmin is available and you should consider upgrading. The newest version is %s, released on %s.'); /* l10n: Latest available phpMyAdmin version */ $js_messages['strLatestAvailable'] = __(', latest stable version:'); $js_messages['strUpToDate'] = __('up to date'); echo "var PMA_messages = new Array();\n"; foreach ($js_messages as $name => $js_message) { PMA_printJsValue("PMA_messages['" . $name . "']", $js_message); } /* Calendar */ echo "var themeCalendarImage = '" . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'b_calendar.png' . "';\n"; /* Image path */ echo "var pmaThemeImage = '" . $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . "';\n"; /* Version */ echo "var pmaversion = '" . PMA_VERSION . "';\n"; echo "if ($.datepicker) {\n"; /* l10n: Display text for calendar close link */ PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['closeText']", __('Done')); /* l10n: Display text for previous month link in calendar */ PMA_printJsValue( "$.datepicker.regional['']['prevText']", _pgettext('Previous month', 'Prev') ); /* l10n: Display text for next month link in calendar */ PMA_printJsValue( "$.datepicker.regional['']['nextText']", _pgettext('Next month', 'Next') ); /* l10n: Display text for current month link in calendar */ PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['currentText']", __('Today')); PMA_printJsValue( "$.datepicker.regional['']['monthNames']", array( __('January'), __('February'), __('March'), __('April'), __('May'), __('June'), __('July'), __('August'), __('September'), __('October'), __('November'), __('December') ) ); PMA_printJsValue( "$.datepicker.regional['']['monthNamesShort']", array( /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Jan'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Feb'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Mar'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Apr'), /* l10n: Short month name */ _pgettext('Short month name', 'May'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Jun'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Jul'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Aug'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Sep'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Oct'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Nov'), /* l10n: Short month name */ __('Dec') ) ); PMA_printJsValue( "$.datepicker.regional['']['dayNames']", array( __('Sunday'), __('Monday'), __('Tuesday'), __('Wednesday'), __('Thursday'), __('Friday'), __('Saturday') ) ); PMA_printJsValue( "$.datepicker.regional['']['dayNamesShort']", array( /* l10n: Short week day name */ __('Sun'), /* l10n: Short week day name */ __('Mon'), /* l10n: Short week day name */ __('Tue'), /* l10n: Short week day name */ __('Wed'), /* l10n: Short week day name */ __('Thu'), /* l10n: Short week day name */ __('Fri'), /* l10n: Short week day name */ __('Sat') ) ); PMA_printJsValue( "$.datepicker.regional['']['dayNamesMin']", array( /* l10n: Minimal week day name */ __('Su'), /* l10n: Minimal week day name */ __('Mo'), /* l10n: Minimal week day name */ __('Tu'), /* l10n: Minimal week day name */ __('We'), /* l10n: Minimal week day name */ __('Th'), /* l10n: Minimal week day name */ __('Fr'), /* l10n: Minimal week day name */ __('Sa') ) ); /* l10n: Column header for week of the year in calendar */ PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['weekHeader']", __('Wk')); /* l10n: Month-year order for calendar, use either "calendar-month-year" or "calendar-year-month". */ PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['showMonthAfterYear']", (__('calendar-month-year') == 'calendar-year-month')); /* l10n: Year suffix for calendar, "none" is empty. */ $year_suffix = _pgettext('Year suffix', 'none'); PMA_printJsValue("$.datepicker.regional['']['yearSuffix']", ($year_suffix == 'none' ? '' : $year_suffix)); ?> $.extend($.datepicker._defaults, $.datepicker.regional['']); } /* if ($.datepicker) */ $.extend($.timepicker._defaults, $.timepicker.regional['']); } /* if ($.timepicker) */