' . '
' . PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($db) . '
' . ''; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['PropertiesIconic']) { $html_output .= ''; } $html_output .= __('Database comment: '); $html_output .= ''; $html_output .= '' . '
'; $html_output .= '
' . '' . '
' . '
' . ''; return $html_output; } /** * Get HTML output for rename database * * @param string $db database name * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForRenameDatabase($db) { $html_output = '
' . '
'; if (isset($_REQUEST['db_collation'])) { $html_output .= '' . "\n"; } $html_output .= '' . '' . PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($db) . '
' . ''; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['PropertiesIconic']) { $html_output .= PMA_Util::getImage('b_edit.png'); } $html_output .= __('Rename database to') . ':' . ''; $html_output .= '' . '
' . '
' . '' . '
' . '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Get HTML for database drop link * * @param string $db database name * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForDropDatabaseLink($db) { $this_sql_query = 'DROP DATABASE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($db); $this_url_params = array( 'sql_query' => $this_sql_query, 'back' => 'db_operations.php', 'goto' => 'index.php', 'reload' => '1', 'purge' => '1', 'message_to_show' => sprintf( __('Database %s has been dropped.'), htmlspecialchars(PMA_Util::backquote($db)) ), 'db' => null, ); $html_output = '
' . '
'; $html_output .= ''; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['PropertiesIconic']) { $html_output .= PMA_Util::getImage('b_deltbl.png'); } $html_output .= __('Remove database') . ''; $html_output .= '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Get HTML snippet for copy database * * @param string $db database name * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForCopyDatabase($db) { $drop_clause = 'DROP TABLE / DROP VIEW'; $choices = array( 'structure' => __('Structure only'), 'data' => __('Structure and data'), 'dataonly' => __('Data only') ); if (isset($_COOKIE) && isset($_COOKIE['pma_switch_to_new']) && $_COOKIE['pma_switch_to_new'] == 'true' ) { $pma_switch_to_new = 'true'; } $html_output = '
'; $html_output .= '
'; if (isset($_REQUEST['db_collation'])) { $html_output .= '' . "\n"; } $html_output .= '' . "\n" . PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($db); $html_output .= '
' . ''; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['PropertiesIconic']) { $html_output .= PMA_Util::getImage('b_edit.png'); } $html_output .= __('Copy database to') . ':' . '' . '
' . PMA_Util::getRadioFields( 'what', $choices, 'data', true ); $html_output .= ''; $html_output .= '
'; $html_output .= ''; $html_output .= '
'; $html_output .= ''; $html_output .= '
'; $html_output .= ''; $html_output .= '
'; $html_output .= ''; $html_output .= '' . '
'; $html_output .= '
' . '' . '
' . '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Get HTML snippet for change database charset * * @param string $db database name * @param string $table tabel name * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForChangeDatabaseCharset($db, $table) { $html_output = '
' . '
'; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['PropertiesIconic']) { $html_output .= PMA_Util::getImage('s_asci.png'); } $html_output .= '' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . PMA_generateCharsetDropdownBox( PMA_CSDROPDOWN_COLLATION, 'db_collation', 'select_db_collation', isset($_REQUEST['db_collation']) ? $_REQUEST['db_collation'] : '', false, 3 ) . '' . '
' . '' . "\n" . '
' . "\n" . '
' . "\n"; return $html_output; } /** * Get HTML snippet for export relational schema view * * @param string $url_query * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForExportRelationalSchemaView($url_query) { $html_output = '
' . '
'; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['PropertiesIconic']) { $html_output .= PMA_Util::getImage( 'b_edit.png' ); } $html_output .= __('Edit or export relational schema') . '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Run the Procedure definitions and function definitions * * to avoid selecting alternatively the current and new db * we would need to modify the CREATE definitions to qualify * the db name * * @param string $db database name * * @return void */ function PMA_runProcedureAndFunctionDefinitions($db) { $procedure_names = PMA_DBI_get_procedures_or_functions($db, 'PROCEDURE'); if ($procedure_names) { foreach ($procedure_names as $procedure_name) { PMA_DBI_select_db($db); $tmp_query = PMA_DBI_get_definition( $db, 'PROCEDURE', $procedure_name ); // collect for later display $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $tmp_query; PMA_DBI_select_db($_REQUEST['newname']); PMA_DBI_query($tmp_query); } } $function_names = PMA_DBI_get_procedures_or_functions($db, 'FUNCTION'); if ($function_names) { foreach ($function_names as $function_name) { PMA_DBI_select_db($db); $tmp_query = PMA_DBI_get_definition($db, 'FUNCTION', $function_name); // collect for later display $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $tmp_query; PMA_DBI_select_db($_REQUEST['newname']); PMA_DBI_query($tmp_query); } } } /** * Get sql query and create database before copy * * @return string $sql_query */ function PMA_getSqlQueryAndCreateDbBeforeCopy() { // lower_case_table_names=1 `DB` becomes `db` if (! PMA_DRIZZLE) { $lower_case_table_names = PMA_DBI_fetch_value( 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "lower_case_table_names"', 0, 1 ); if ($lower_case_table_names === '1') { $_REQUEST['newname'] = PMA_strtolower($_REQUEST['newname']); } } $local_query = 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ' . PMA_Util::backquote($_REQUEST['newname']); if (isset($_REQUEST['db_collation'])) { $local_query .= ' DEFAULT' . PMA_generateCharsetQueryPart($_REQUEST['db_collation']); } $local_query .= ';'; $sql_query = $local_query; // save the original db name because Tracker.class.php which // may be called under PMA_DBI_query() changes $GLOBALS['db'] // for some statements, one of which being CREATE DATABASE $original_db = $GLOBALS['db']; PMA_DBI_query($local_query); $GLOBALS['db'] = $original_db; // rebuild the database list because PMA_Table::moveCopy // checks in this list if the target db exists $GLOBALS['pma']->databases->build(); return $sql_query; } /** * remove all foreign key constraints and return * sql constraints query for full database * * @param array $tables_full array of all tables in given db or dbs * @param object $export_sql_plugin export plugin instance * @param boolean $move whether databse name is empty or not * @param string $db database name * * @return string sql constraints query for full databases */ function PMA_getSqlConstraintsQueryForFullDb( $tables_full, $export_sql_plugin, $move, $db ) { $sql_constraints_query_full_db = array(); foreach ($tables_full as $each_table => $tmp) { $sql_constraints = ''; $sql_drop_foreign_keys = ''; $sql_structure = $export_sql_plugin->getTableDef( $db, $each_table, "\n", '', false, false ); if ($move && ! empty($sql_drop_foreign_keys)) { PMA_DBI_query($sql_drop_foreign_keys); } // keep the constraint we just dropped if (! empty($sql_constraints)) { $sql_constraints_query_full_db[] = $sql_constraints; } } return $sql_constraints_query_full_db; } /** * Get views as an array and create SQL view stand-in * * @param array $tables_full array of all tables in given db or dbs * @param object $export_sql_plugin export plugin instance * @param strin $db database name * * @return array $views */ function PMA_getViewsAndCreateSqlViewStandIn( $tables_full, $export_sql_plugin, $db ) { $views = array(); foreach ($tables_full as $each_table => $tmp) { // to be able to rename a db containing views, // first all the views are collected and a stand-in is created // the real views are created after the tables if (PMA_Table::isView($db, $each_table)) { $views[] = $each_table; // Create stand-in definition to resolve view dependencies $sql_view_standin = $export_sql_plugin->getTableDefStandIn( $db, $each_table, "\n" ); PMA_DBI_select_db($_REQUEST['newname']); PMA_DBI_query($sql_view_standin); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $sql_view_standin; } } return $views; } /** * Get sql query for copy/rename table and boolean for whether copy/rename or not * * @param array $tables_full array of all tables in given db or dbs * @param string $sql_query sql query for all operations * @param boolean $move whether databse name is empty or not * @param string $db database name * * @return array ($sql_query, $error) */ function PMA_getSqlQueryForCopyTable($tables_full, $sql_query, $move, $db) { $error = false; foreach ($tables_full as $each_table => $tmp) { // skip the views; we have creted stand-in definitions if (PMA_Table::isView($db, $each_table)) { continue; } $back = $sql_query; $sql_query = ''; // value of $what for this table only $this_what = $_REQUEST['what']; // do not copy the data from a Merge table // note: on the calling FORM, 'data' means 'structure and data' if (PMA_Table::isMerge($db, $each_table)) { if ($this_what == 'data') { $this_what = 'structure'; } if ($this_what == 'dataonly') { $this_what = 'nocopy'; } } if ($this_what != 'nocopy') { // keep the triggers from the original db+table // (third param is empty because delimiters are only intended // for importing via the mysql client or our Import feature) $triggers = PMA_DBI_get_triggers($db, $each_table, ''); if (! PMA_Table::moveCopy( $db, $each_table, $_REQUEST['newname'], $each_table, (isset($this_what) ? $this_what : 'data'), $move, 'db_copy' )) { $error = true; // $sql_query is filled by PMA_Table::moveCopy() $sql_query = $back . $sql_query; break; } // apply the triggers to the destination db+table if ($triggers) { PMA_DBI_select_db($_REQUEST['newname']); foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { PMA_DBI_query($trigger['create']); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $trigger['create'] . ';'; } } // this does not apply to a rename operation if (isset($_REQUEST['add_constraints']) && ! empty($GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query']) ) { $GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query_full_db'][] = $GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query']; unset($GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query']); } } // $sql_query is filled by PMA_Table::moveCopy() $sql_query = $back . $sql_query; } return array($sql_query, $error); } /** * Run the EVENT definition for selected database * * to avoid selecting alternatively the current and new db * we would need to modify the CREATE definitions to qualify * the db name * * @param string $db database name * * @return void */ function PMA_runEventDefinitionsForDb($db) { $event_names = PMA_DBI_fetch_result( 'SELECT EVENT_NAME FROM information_schema.EVENTS WHERE EVENT_SCHEMA= \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($db, true) . '\';' ); if ($event_names) { foreach ($event_names as $event_name) { PMA_DBI_select_db($db); $tmp_query = PMA_DBI_get_definition($db, 'EVENT', $event_name); // collect for later display $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $tmp_query; PMA_DBI_select_db($_REQUEST['newname']); PMA_DBI_query($tmp_query); } } } /** * Handle the views, return the boolean value whether table rename/copy or not * * @param array $views views as an array * @param boolean $move whether databse name is empty or not * @param string $db database name * * @return boolean $_error whether table rename/copy or not */ function PMA_handleTheViews($views, $move, $db) { $_error = false; // temporarily force to add DROP IF EXIST to CREATE VIEW query, // to remove stand-in VIEW that was created earlier // ( $_REQUEST['drop_if_exists'] is used in moveCopy() ) if (isset($_REQUEST['drop_if_exists'])) { $temp_drop_if_exists = $_REQUEST['drop_if_exists']; } $_REQUEST['drop_if_exists'] = 'true'; foreach ($views as $view) { $copying_succeeded = PMA_Table::moveCopy( $db, $view, $_REQUEST['newname'], $view, 'structure', $move, 'db_copy' ); if (! $copying_succeeded) { $_error = true; break; } } unset($_REQUEST['drop_if_exists']); if (isset($temp_drop_if_exists)) { // restore previous value $_REQUEST['drop_if_exists'] = $temp_drop_if_exists; } return $_error; } /** * Create all accumulated constraaints * * @return void */ function PMA_createAllAccumulatedConstraints() { PMA_DBI_select_db($_REQUEST['newname']); foreach ($GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query_full_db'] as $one_query) { PMA_DBI_query($one_query); // and prepare to display them $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $one_query; } unset($GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query_full_db']); } /** * Duplicate the bookmarks for the db (done once for each db) * * @param boolean $_error whether table rename/copy or not * @param string $db database name * * @return void */ function PMA_duplicateBookmarks($_error, $db) { if (! $_error && $db != $_REQUEST['newname']) { $get_fields = array('user', 'label', 'query'); $where_fields = array('dbase' => $db); $new_fields = array('dbase' => $_REQUEST['newname']); PMA_Table::duplicateInfo( 'bookmarkwork', 'bookmark', $get_fields, $where_fields, $new_fields ); } } /** * Get the HTML snippet for order the table * * @param array $columns columns array * * @return string $html_out */ function PMA_getHtmlForOrderTheTable($columns) { $html_output = '
'; $html_output .= '
'; $html_output .= PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs( $GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table'] ); $html_output .= '
' . '' . __('Alter table order by') . '' . ' ' . __('(singly)') . ' ' . '' . '
' . '
' . '' . '' . '
' . '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Get the HTML snippet for move table * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForMoveTable() { $html_output = '
'; $html_output .= '
' . PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']); $html_output .= '' . '' . '
'; $html_output .= '' . __('Move table to (database.table):') . ''; if (count($GLOBALS['pma']->databases) > $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList']) { $html_output .= ''; } else { $html_output .= ''; } $html_output .= ' . '; $html_output .= '
'; // starting with MySQL 5.0.24, SHOW CREATE TABLE includes the AUTO_INCREMENT // next value but users can decide if they want it or not for the operation $html_output .= '' . '
' . '
'; $html_output .= '
' . '' . '
' . '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Get the HTML div for Table option * * @param string $comment Comment * @param array $tbl_collation table collation * @param string $tbl_storage_engine table storage engine * @param boolean $is_myisam_or_aria whether MYISAM | ARIA or not * @param boolean $is_isam whether ISAM or not * @param array $pack_keys pack keys * @param string $auto_increment value of auto increment * @param string $delay_key_write delay key write * @param string $transactional value of transactional * @param string $page_checksum value of page checksum * @param boolean $is_innodb whether INNODB or not * @param boolean $is_pbxt whether PBXT or not * @param boolean $is_aria whether ARIA or not * @param string $checksum the checksum * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getTableOptionDiv($comment, $tbl_collation, $tbl_storage_engine, $is_myisam_or_aria, $is_isam, $pack_keys, $auto_increment, $delay_key_write, $transactional, $page_checksum, $is_innodb, $is_pbxt, $is_aria, $checksum ) { $html_output = '
'; $html_output .= '
' . '' . '' . '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Get HTML fieldset for Table option, it contains HTML table for options * * @param string $comment Comment * @param array $tbl_collation table collation * @param string $tbl_storage_engine table storage engine * @param boolean $is_myisam_or_aria whether MYISAM | ARIA or not * @param boolean $is_isam whether ISAM or not * @param array $pack_keys pack keys * @param string $delay_key_write delay key write * @param string $auto_increment value of auto increment * @param string $transactional value of transactional * @param string $page_checksum value of page checksum * @param boolean $is_innodb whether INNODB or not * @param boolean $is_pbxt whether PBXT or not * @param boolean $is_aria whether ARIA or not * @param string $checksum the checksum * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getTableOptionFieldset($comment, $tbl_collation, $tbl_storage_engine, $is_myisam_or_aria, $is_isam, $pack_keys, $delay_key_write, $auto_increment, $transactional, $page_checksum, $is_innodb, $is_pbxt, $is_aria, $checksum ) { $html_output = '
' . '' . __('Table options') . ''; $html_output .= ''; //Change table name $html_output .= '' . '' . ''; //Table comments $html_output .= '' . '' . ''; //Storage engine $html_output .= '' . '' . ''; //Table character set $html_output .= '' . '' . ''; if ($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_isam) { $html_output .= '' . '' . '' . ''; } // end if (MYISAM|ISAM) if ($is_myisam_or_aria) { $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForTableRow( 'new_checksum', 'CHECKSUM', $checksum ); $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForTableRow( 'new_delay_key_write', 'DELAY_KEY_WRITE', $delay_key_write ); } // end if (MYISAM) if ($is_aria) { $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForTableRow( 'new_transactional', 'TRANSACTIONAL', $transactional ); $html_output .= PMA_getHtmlForTableRow( 'new_page_checksum', 'PAGE_CHECKSUM', $page_checksum ); } // end if (ARIA) if (isset($_REQUEST['auto_increment']) && strlen($_REQUEST['auto_increment']) > 0 && ($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_innodb || $is_pbxt) ) { $html_output .= '' . '' . ' '; } // end if (MYISAM|INNODB) $possible_row_formats = PMA_getPossibleRowFormat(); // for MYISAM there is also COMPRESSED but it can be set only by the // myisampack utility, so don't offer here the choice because if we // try it inside an ALTER TABLE, MySQL (at least in 5.1.23-maria) // does not return a warning // (if the table was compressed, it can be seen on the Structure page) if (isset($possible_row_formats[$tbl_storage_engine])) { $current_row_format = strtoupper($GLOBALS['showtable']['Row_format']); $html_output .= '' . ''; } $html_output .= '
' . __('Rename table to') . '' . '' . '
' . __('Table comments') . '' . '' . '
' . __('Storage Engine') . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu( 'Storage_engines', 'Storage_engines' ) . '' . PMA_StorageEngine::getHtmlSelect( 'new_tbl_storage_engine', null, $tbl_storage_engine ) . '
' . __('Collation') . '' . PMA_generateCharsetDropdownBox( PMA_CSDROPDOWN_COLLATION, 'tbl_collation', null, $tbl_collation, false, 3 ) . '
' . '
' . ''; $html_output .= PMA_Util::getDropdown( 'new_row_format', $possible_row_formats[$tbl_storage_engine], $current_row_format, 'new_row_format' ); $html_output .= '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Get the common HTML table row (tr) for new_checksum, new_delay_key_write, * new_transactional and new_page_checksum * * @param string $attribute class, name and id attribute * @param string $label label value * @param string $val checksum, delay_key_write, transactional, page_checksum * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForTableRow($attribute, $label, $val) { return '' . '' . '' . ''; } /** * Get array of possible row formats * * @return array $possible_row_formats */ function PMA_getPossibleRowFormat() { // the outer array is for engines, the inner array contains the dropdown // option values as keys then the dropdown option labels $possible_row_formats = array( 'ARIA' => array( 'FIXED' => 'FIXED', 'DYNAMIC' => 'DYNAMIC', 'PAGE' => 'PAGE' ), 'MARIA' => array( 'FIXED' => 'FIXED', 'DYNAMIC' => 'DYNAMIC', 'PAGE' => 'PAGE' ), 'MYISAM' => array( 'FIXED' => 'FIXED', 'DYNAMIC' => 'DYNAMIC' ), 'PBXT' => array( 'FIXED' => 'FIXED', 'DYNAMIC' => 'DYNAMIC' ), 'INNODB' => array( 'COMPACT' => 'COMPACT', 'REDUNDANT' => 'REDUNDANT' ) ); $innodb_engine_plugin = PMA_StorageEngine::getEngine('innodb'); $innodb_plugin_version = $innodb_engine_plugin->getInnodbPluginVersion(); if (!empty($innodb_plugin_version)) { $innodb_file_format = $innodb_engine_plugin->getInnodbFileFormat(); } else { $innodb_file_format = ''; } if ('Barracuda' == $innodb_file_format && $innodb_engine_plugin->supportsFilePerTable() ) { $possible_row_formats['INNODB']['DYNAMIC'] = 'DYNAMIC'; $possible_row_formats['INNODB']['COMPRESSED'] = 'COMPRESSED'; } return $possible_row_formats; } /** * Get HTML div for copy table * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForCopytable() { $html_output = '
'; $html_output .= '
' . PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']) . ''; $html_output .= '
'; $html_output .= '' . __('Copy table to (database.table):') . ''; if (count($GLOBALS['pma']->databases) > $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList']) { $html_output .= ''; } else { $html_output .= ''; } $html_output .= ' . '; $html_output .= '
'; $choices = array( 'structure' => __('Structure only'), 'data' => __('Structure and data'), 'dataonly' => __('Data only')); $html_output .= PMA_Util::getRadioFields( 'what', $choices, 'data', true ); $html_output .= '' . '
' . '' . '
'; // display "Add constraints" choice only if there are // foreign keys if (PMA_getForeigners($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table'], '', 'foreign')) { $html_output .= ''; $html_output .= '
'; } // endif if (isset($_COOKIE['pma_switch_to_new']) && $_COOKIE['pma_switch_to_new'] == 'true' ) { $pma_switch_to_new = 'true'; } $html_output .= ''); $html_output .= '' . '
'; $html_output .= '
' . '' . '
' . '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Get HTML snippet for table maintence * * @param boolean $is_myisam_or_aria whether MYISAM | ARIA or not * @param boolean $is_innodb whether innodb or not * @param boolean $is_berkeleydb whether berkeleydb or not * @param array $url_params array of URL parameters * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForTableMaintenance( $is_myisam_or_aria, $is_innodb, $is_berkeleydb, $url_params ) { $html_output = '
'; $html_output .= '
' . '' . __('Table maintenance') . ''; $html_output .= '' . '
' . '
'; return $html_output; } /** * Get HTML 'li' having a link of maintain action * * @param boolean $is_myisam_or_aria whether MYISAM | ARIA or not * @param boolean $is_innodb whether innodb or not * @param array $url_params array of URL parameters * @param boolean $is_berkeleydb whether berkeleydb or not * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getListofMaintainActionLink($is_myisam_or_aria, $is_innodb, $url_params, $is_berkeleydb ) { $html_output = ''; if ($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_innodb || $is_berkeleydb) { if ($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_innodb) { $params = array( 'sql_query' => 'CHECK TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']), 'table_maintenance' => 'Go', ); $html_output .= PMA_getMaintainActionlink( __('Check table'), $params, $url_params, 'CHECK_TABLE' ); } if ($is_innodb) { $params = array( 'sql_query' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' ENGINE = InnoDB;' ); $html_output .= PMA_getMaintainActionlink( __('Defragment table'), $params, $url_params, 'InnoDB_File_Defragmenting', 'Table_types' ); } if ($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_berkeleydb) { $params = array( 'sql_query' => 'ANALYZE TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']), 'table_maintenance' => 'Go', ); $html_output .= PMA_getMaintainActionlink( __('Analyze table'), $params, $url_params, 'ANALYZE_TABLE' ); } if ($is_myisam_or_aria && !PMA_DRIZZLE) { $params = array( 'sql_query' => 'REPAIR TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']), 'table_maintenance' => 'Go', ); $html_output .= PMA_getMaintainActionlink( __('Repair table'), $params, $url_params, 'REPAIR_TABLE' ); } if (($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_innodb || $is_berkeleydb) && !PMA_DRIZZLE ) { $params = array( 'sql_query' => 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']), 'table_maintenance' => 'Go', ); $html_output .= PMA_getMaintainActionlink( __('Optimize table'), $params, $url_params, 'OPTIMIZE_TABLE' ); } } // end MYISAM or BERKELEYDB case $params = array( 'sql_query' => 'FLUSH TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']), 'message_to_show' => sprintf( __('Table %s has been flushed'), htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['table']) ), 'reload' => 1, ); $html_output .= PMA_getMaintainActionlink( __('Flush the table (FLUSH)'), $params, $url_params, 'FLUSH' ); return $html_output; } /** * Get maintain action HTML link * * @param string $action * @param array $params url parameters array * @param array $url_params * @param string $link contains name of page/anchor that is being linked * @param string $chapter chapter of "HTML, one page per chapter" documentation * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getMaintainActionlink($action, $params, $url_params, $link, $chapter = 'MySQL_Database_Administration' ) { return '
  • ' . '' . $action . '' . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu($chapter, $link) . '
  • '; } /** * Get HTML for Delete data or table (truncate table, drop table) * * @param array $truncate_table_url_params url parameter array for truncate table * @param array $drop_table_url_params url parameter array for drop table * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForDeleteDataOrTable( $truncate_table_url_params, $drop_table_url_params ) { $html_output = '
    ' . '
    ' . '' . __('Delete data or table') . ''; $html_output .= '
    '; return $html_output; } /** * Get the HTML link for Truncate table, Drop table and Drop db * * @param array $url_params url parameter array for delete data or table * @param string $syntax TRUNCATE_TABLE or DROP_TABLE or DROP_DATABASE * @param string $link link to be shown * @param string $id id of the link * * @return String html output */ function PMA_getDeleteDataOrTablelink($url_params, $syntax, $link, $id) { return '
  • ' . $link . '' . PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu( 'SQL-Syntax', $syntax ) . '
  • '; } /** * Get HTML snippet for partition maintenance * * @param array $partition_names array of partition names for a specific db/table * @param array $url_params url parameters * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForPartitionMaintenance($partition_names, $url_params) { $choices = array( 'ANALYZE' => __('Analyze'), 'CHECK' => __('Check'), 'OPTIMIZE' => __('Optimize'), 'REBUILD' => __('Rebuild'), 'REPAIR' => __('Repair') ); $html_output = '
    ' . '
    ' . PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']) . '
    ' . '' . __('Partition maintenance') . ''; $html_select = '' . "\n"; $html_output .= sprintf(__('Partition %s'), $html_select); $html_output .= PMA_Util::getRadioFields( 'partition_operation', $choices, '', false ); $html_output .= PMA_Util::showMySQLDocu( 'partitioning_maintenance', 'partitioning_maintenance' ); $this_url_params = array_merge( $url_params, array( 'sql_query' => 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' REMOVE PARTITIONING;' ) ); $html_output .= '
    ' . __('Remove partitioning') . ''; $html_output .= '
    ' . '
    ' . '' . '
    ' . '
    ' . '
    '; return $html_output; } /** * Get the HTML for Referential Integrity check * * @param array $foreign all Relations to foreign tables for a given table * or optionally a given column in a table * @param array $url_params array of url parameters * * @return string $html_output */ function PMA_getHtmlForReferentialIntegrityCheck($foreign, $url_params) { $html_output = '
    ' . '
    ' . '' . __('Check referential integrity:') . ''; $html_output .= '
    '; return $html_output; } function PMA_getQueryAndResultForReorderingTable() { $sql_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' ORDER BY ' . PMA_Util::backquote(urldecode($_REQUEST['order_field'])); if (isset($_REQUEST['order_order']) && $_REQUEST['order_order'] === 'desc' ) { $sql_query .= ' DESC'; } $sql_query .= ';'; $result = PMA_DBI_query($sql_query); return array($sql_query, $result); } /** * Get table alters array * * @param boolean $is_myisam_or_aria whether MYISAM | ARIA or not * @param boolean $is_isam whether ISAM or not * @param string $pack_keys pack keys * @param string $checksum value of checksum * @param boolean $is_aria whether ARIA or not * @param string $page_checksum value of page checksum * @param string $delay_key_write delay key write * @param boolean $is_innodb whether INNODB or not * @param boolean $is_pbxt whether PBXT or not * @param string $row_format row format * @param string $tbl_storage_engine table storage engine * @param string $transactional value of transactional * @param string $tbl_collation collation of the table * * @return array $table_alters */ function PMA_getTableAltersArray($is_myisam_or_aria, $is_isam, $pack_keys, $checksum, $is_aria, $page_checksum, $delay_key_write, $is_innodb, $is_pbxt, $row_format, $new_tbl_storage_engine, $transactional, $tbl_collation ) { $table_alters = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['comment']) && urldecode($_REQUEST['prev_comment']) !== $_REQUEST['comment'] ) { $table_alters[] = 'COMMENT = \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['comment']) . '\''; } if (! empty($new_tbl_storage_engine) && strtolower($new_tbl_storage_engine) !== strtolower($GLOBALS['tbl_storage_engine']) ) { $table_alters[] = 'ENGINE = ' . $new_tbl_storage_engine; } if (! empty($_REQUEST['tbl_collation']) && $_REQUEST['tbl_collation'] !== $tbl_collation ) { $table_alters[] = 'DEFAULT ' . PMA_generateCharsetQueryPart($_REQUEST['tbl_collation']); } if (($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_isam) && isset($_REQUEST['new_pack_keys']) && $_REQUEST['new_pack_keys'] != (string)$pack_keys ) { $table_alters[] = 'pack_keys = ' . $_REQUEST['new_pack_keys']; } $_REQUEST['new_checksum'] = empty($_REQUEST['new_checksum']) ? '0' : '1'; if ($is_myisam_or_aria && $_REQUEST['new_checksum'] !== $checksum ) { $table_alters[] = 'checksum = ' . $_REQUEST['new_checksum']; } $_REQUEST['new_transactional'] = empty($_REQUEST['new_transactional']) ? '0' : '1'; if ($is_aria && $_REQUEST['new_transactional'] !== $transactional ) { $table_alters[] = 'TRANSACTIONAL = ' . $_REQUEST['new_transactional']; } $_REQUEST['new_page_checksum'] = empty($_REQUEST['new_page_checksum']) ? '0' : '1'; if ($is_aria && $_REQUEST['new_page_checksum'] !== $page_checksum ) { $table_alters[] = 'PAGE_CHECKSUM = ' . $_REQUEST['new_page_checksum']; } $_REQUEST['new_delay_key_write'] = empty($_REQUEST['new_delay_key_write']) ? '0' : '1'; if ($is_myisam_or_aria && $_REQUEST['new_delay_key_write'] !== $delay_key_write ) { $table_alters[] = 'delay_key_write = ' . $_REQUEST['new_delay_key_write']; } if (($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_innodb || $is_pbxt) && ! empty($_REQUEST['new_auto_increment']) && (! isset($auto_increment) || $_REQUEST['new_auto_increment'] !== $auto_increment) ) { $table_alters[] = 'auto_increment = ' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['new_auto_increment']); } if (($is_myisam_or_aria || $is_innodb || $is_pbxt) && ! empty($_REQUEST['new_row_format']) && (!strlen($row_format) || strtolower($_REQUEST['new_row_format']) !== strtolower($row_format)) ) { $table_alters[] = 'ROW_FORMAT = ' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['new_row_format']); } return $table_alters; } /** * set initial value of the set of variables, based on the current table engine * * @param string $tbl_storage_engine table storage engine * * @return array ($is_myisam_or_aria, $is_innodb, $is_isam, $is_berkeleydb, $is_aria, $is_pbxt) */ function PMA_setGlobalVariablesForEngine($tbl_storage_engine) { $is_myisam_or_aria = $is_isam = $is_innodb = $is_berkeleydb = $is_aria = $is_pbxt = false; $upper_tbl_storage_engine = strtoupper($tbl_storage_engine); //Options that apply to MYISAM usually apply to ARIA $is_myisam_or_aria = ($upper_tbl_storage_engine == 'MYISAM' || $upper_tbl_storage_engine == 'ARIA' || $upper_tbl_storage_engine == 'MARIA' ); $is_aria = ($upper_tbl_storage_engine == 'ARIA'); $is_isam = ($upper_tbl_storage_engine == 'ISAM'); $is_innodb = ($upper_tbl_storage_engine == 'INNODB'); $is_berkeleydb = ($upper_tbl_storage_engine == 'BERKELEYDB'); $is_pbxt = ($upper_tbl_storage_engine == 'PBXT'); return array( $is_myisam_or_aria, $is_innodb, $is_isam, $is_berkeleydb, $is_aria, $is_pbxt ); } /** * Get warning messages array * * @return array $warning_messages */ function PMA_getWarningMessagesArray() { $warning_messages = array(); foreach (PMA_DBI_get_warnings() as $warning) { // In MariaDB 5.1.44, when altering a table from Maria to MyISAM // and if TRANSACTIONAL was set, the system reports an error; // I discussed with a Maria developer and he agrees that this // should not be reported with a Level of Error, so here // I just ignore it. But there are other 1478 messages // that it's better to show. if (! ($_REQUEST['new_tbl_storage_engine'] == 'MyISAM' && $warning['Code'] == '1478' && $warning['Level'] == 'Error') ) { $warning_messages[] = $warning['Level'] . ': #' . $warning['Code'] . ' ' . $warning['Message']; } } return $warning_messages; } /** * Get SQL query and result after ran this SQL query for a partition operation * has been requested by the user * * @return array $sql_query, $result */ function PMA_getQueryAndResultForPartition() { $sql_query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . PMA_Util::backquote($GLOBALS['table']) . ' ' . $_REQUEST['partition_operation'] . ' PARTITION ' . $_REQUEST['partition_name'] . ';'; $result = PMA_DBI_query($sql_query); return array($sql_query, $result); } ?>