* http://www.orbis-terrarum.net/?l=people.robbat2 * * This data is used by the SQL Parser to recognize keywords * * It has been extracted from the lex.h file in the MySQL BK tree * (around 4.0.2) as well as the MySQL documentation. * * It's easier to use only uppercase for proper sorting. In case of * doubt, use the test case to verify. * * @package PhpMyAdmin */ if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) { exit; } if (! isset($GLOBALS['sql_delimiter'])) { $GLOBALS['sql_delimiter'] = ';'; } /** * @global array MySQL function names */ $PMA_SQPdata_function_name = array ( 'ABS', 'ACOS', 'ADDDATE', 'ADDTIME', 'AES_DECRYPT', 'AES_ENCRYPT', 'AREA', // polygon-property-functions.html 'ASBINARY', 'ASCII', 'ASIN', 'ASTEXT', 'ATAN', 'ATAN2', 'AVG', 'BDMPOLYFROMTEXT', 'BDMPOLYFROMWKB', 'BDPOLYFROMTEXT', 'BDPOLYFROMWKB', 'BENCHMARK', 'BIN', 'BIT_AND', 'BIT_COUNT', 'BIT_LENGTH', 'BIT_OR', 'BIT_XOR', // group-by-functions.html 'BOUNDARY', // general-geometry-property-functions.html 'BUFFER', 'CAST', 'CEIL', 'CEILING', 'CENTROID', // multipolygon-property-functions.html 'CHAR', // string-functions.html 'CHARACTER_LENGTH', 'CHARSET', // information-functions.html 'CHAR_LENGTH', 'COALESCE', 'COERCIBILITY', // information-functions.html 'COLLATION', // information-functions.html 'COMPRESS', // string-functions.html 'CONCAT', 'CONCAT_WS', 'CONNECTION_ID', 'CONTAINS', 'CONV', 'CONVERT', 'CONVERT_TZ', 'CONVEXHULL', 'COS', 'COT', 'COUNT', 'CRC32', // mathematical-functions.html 'CROSSES', 'CURDATE', 'CURRENT_DATE', 'CURRENT_TIME', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'CURRENT_USER', 'CURTIME', 'DATABASE', 'DATE', // date-and-time-functions.html 'DATEDIFF', // date-and-time-functions.html 'DATE_ADD', 'DATE_DIFF', 'DATE_FORMAT', 'DATE_SUB', 'DAY', 'DAYNAME', 'DAYOFMONTH', 'DAYOFWEEK', 'DAYOFYEAR', 'DECODE', 'DEFAULT', // miscellaneous-functions.html 'DEGREES', 'DES_DECRYPT', 'DES_ENCRYPT', 'DIFFERENCE', 'DIMENSION', // general-geometry-property-functions.html 'DISJOINT', 'DISTANCE', 'ELT', 'ENCODE', 'ENCRYPT', 'ENDPOINT', // linestring-property-functions.html 'ENVELOPE', // general-geometry-property-functions.html 'EQUALS', 'EXP', 'EXPORT_SET', 'EXTERIORRING', // polygon-property-functions.html 'EXTRACT', 'EXTRACTVALUE', // xml-functions.html 'FIELD', 'FIND_IN_SET', 'FLOOR', 'FORMAT', 'FOUND_ROWS', 'FROM_DAYS', 'FROM_UNIXTIME', 'GEOMCOLLFROMTEXT', 'GEOMCOLLFROMWKB', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONFROMTEXT', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONFROMWKB', 'GEOMETRYFROMTEXT', 'GEOMETRYFROMWKB', 'GEOMETRYN', // geometrycollection-property-functions.html 'GEOMETRYTYPE', // general-geometry-property-functions.html 'GEOMFROMTEXT', 'GEOMFROMWKB', 'GET_FORMAT', 'GET_LOCK', 'GLENGTH', // linestring-property-functions.html 'GREATEST', 'GROUP_CONCAT', 'GROUP_UNIQUE_USERS', 'HEX', 'HOUR', 'IF', //control-flow-functions.html 'IFNULL', 'INET_ATON', 'INET_NTOA', 'INSERT', // string-functions.html 'INSTR', 'INTERIORRINGN', // polygon-property-functions.html 'INTERSECTION', 'INTERSECTS', 'INTERVAL', 'ISCLOSED', // multilinestring-property-functions.html 'ISEMPTY', // general-geometry-property-functions.html 'ISNULL', 'ISRING', // linestring-property-functions.html 'ISSIMPLE', // general-geometry-property-functions.html 'IS_FREE_LOCK', 'IS_USED_LOCK', // miscellaneous-functions.html 'LAST_DAY', 'LAST_INSERT_ID', 'LCASE', 'LEAST', 'LEFT', 'LENGTH', 'LINEFROMTEXT', 'LINEFROMWKB', 'LINESTRING', 'LINESTRINGFROMTEXT', 'LINESTRINGFROMWKB', 'LN', 'LOAD_FILE', 'LOCALTIME', 'LOCALTIMESTAMP', 'LOCATE', 'LOG', 'LOG10', 'LOG2', 'LOWER', 'LPAD', 'LTRIM', 'MAKEDATE', 'MAKETIME', 'MAKE_SET', 'MASTER_POS_WAIT', 'MAX', 'MBRCONTAINS', 'MBRDISJOINT', 'MBREQUAL', 'MBRINTERSECTS', 'MBROVERLAPS', 'MBRTOUCHES', 'MBRWITHIN', 'MD5', 'MICROSECOND', 'MID', 'MIN', 'MINUTE', 'MLINEFROMTEXT', 'MLINEFROMWKB', 'MOD', 'MONTH', 'MONTHNAME', 'MPOINTFROMTEXT', 'MPOINTFROMWKB', 'MPOLYFROMTEXT', 'MPOLYFROMWKB', 'MULTILINESTRING', 'MULTILINESTRINGFROMTEXT', 'MULTILINESTRINGFROMWKB', 'MULTIPOINT', 'MULTIPOINTFROMTEXT', 'MULTIPOINTFROMWKB', 'MULTIPOLYGON', 'MULTIPOLYGONFROMTEXT', 'MULTIPOLYGONFROMWKB', 'NAME_CONST', // NAME_CONST() 'NOW', 'NULLIF', 'NUMGEOMETRIES', // geometrycollection-property-functions.html 'NUMINTERIORRINGS', // polygon-property-functions.html 'NUMPOINTS', // linestring-property-functions.html 'OCT', 'OCTET_LENGTH', 'OLD_PASSWORD', 'ORD', 'OVERLAPS', 'PASSWORD', 'PERIOD_ADD', 'PERIOD_DIFF', 'PI', 'POINT', 'POINTFROMTEXT', 'POINTFROMWKB', 'POINTN', // inestring-property-functions.html 'POINTONSURFACE', // multipolygon-property-functions.html 'POLYFROMTEXT', 'POLYFROMWKB', 'POLYGON', 'POLYGONFROMTEXT', 'POLYGONFROMWKB', 'POSITION', 'POW', 'POWER', 'QUARTER', 'QUOTE', 'RADIANS', 'RAND', 'RELATED', 'RELEASE_LOCK', 'REPEAT', 'REPLACE', // string-functions.html 'REVERSE', 'RIGHT', 'ROUND', 'ROW_COUNT', // information-functions.html 'RPAD', 'RTRIM', 'SCHEMA', // information-functions.html 'SECOND', 'SEC_TO_TIME', 'SESSION_USER', 'SHA', 'SHA1', 'SIGN', 'SIN', 'SLEEP', // miscellaneous-functions.html 'SOUNDEX', 'SPACE', 'SQRT', 'SRID', // general-geometry-property-functions.html 'STARTPOINT', // linestring-property-functions.html 'STD', 'STDDEV', 'STDDEV_POP', // group-by-functions.html 'STDDEV_SAMP', // group-by-functions.html 'STRCMP', 'STR_TO_DATE', 'SUBDATE', 'SUBSTR', 'SUBSTRING', 'SUBSTRING_INDEX', 'SUBTIME', 'SUM', 'SYMDIFFERENCE', 'SYSDATE', 'SYSTEM_USER', 'TAN', 'TIME', 'TIMEDIFF', 'TIMESTAMP', 'TIMESTAMPADD', 'TIMESTAMPDIFF', 'TIME_FORMAT', 'TIME_TO_SEC', 'TOUCHES', 'TO_DAYS', 'TRIM', 'TRUNCATE', // mathematical-functions.html 'UCASE', 'UNCOMPRESS', // string-functions.html 'UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH', // string-functions.html 'UNHEX', // string-functions.html 'UNIQUE_USERS', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', 'UPDATEXML', // xml-functions.html 'UPPER', 'USER', 'UTC_DATE', 'UTC_TIME', 'UTC_TIMESTAMP', 'UUID', // miscellaneous-functions.html 'VARIANCE', // group-by-functions.html 'VAR_POP', // group-by-functions.html 'VAR_SAMP', // group-by-functions.html 'VERSION', 'WEEK', 'WEEKDAY', 'WEEKOFYEAR', 'WITHIN', 'X', // point-property-functions.html 'Y', // point-property-functions.html 'YEAR', 'YEARWEEK' ); /** * @global array MySQL attributes */ $PMA_SQPdata_column_attrib = array ( 'ARCHIVE', // Engine 'ASCII', 'AUTO_INCREMENT', 'BDB', // Engine 'BERKELEYDB', // Engine alias BDB 'BINARY', 'BLACKHOLE', // Engine 'CSV', // Engine 'DEFAULT', 'EXAMPLE', // Engine 'FEDERATED', // Engine 'HEAP', // Engine 'INNOBASE', // Engine alias InnoDB 'INNODB', // Engine InnoDB 'ISAM', // Engine 'MARIA', // Engine 'MEMORY', // Engine alias HEAP, but preferred 'MERGE', // Engine 'MRG_ISAM', // Engine 'MRG_MYISAM', // Engine alias MERGE 'MYISAM', // Engine MyISAM 'NATIONAL', 'NDB', // Engine alias NDBCLUSTER 'NDBCLUSTER', // Engine 'PRECISION', 'UNDEFINED', 'UNICODE', 'UNSIGNED', 'VARYING', 'ZEROFILL' ); /** * words that are reserved by MySQL and may not be used as identifiers without * quotes * * @see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/reserved-words.html * * @global array MySQL reserved words */ $PMA_SQPdata_reserved_word = array ( 'ACCESSIBLE', // 5.1 'ACTION', 'ADD', 'AFTER', 'AGAINST', 'AGGREGATE', 'ALGORITHM', 'ALL', 'ALTER', 'ANALYSE', 'ANALYZE', 'AND', 'AS', 'ASC', 'AUTOCOMMIT', 'AUTO_INCREMENT', 'AVG_ROW_LENGTH', 'BACKUP', 'BEGIN', 'BETWEEN', 'BINLOG', 'BOTH', 'BY', 'CASCADE', 'CASE', 'CHANGE', 'CHANGED', 'CHARSET', 'CHECK', 'CHECKSUM', 'COLLATE', 'COLLATION', 'COLUMN', 'COLUMNS', 'COMMENT', 'COMMIT', 'COMMITTED', 'COMPRESSED', 'CONCURRENT', 'CONSTRAINT', 'CONTAINS', 'CONVERT', 'CREATE', 'CROSS', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'DATABASE', 'DATABASES', 'DAY', 'DAY_HOUR', 'DAY_MINUTE', 'DAY_SECOND', 'DECLARE', 'DEFINER', 'DELAYED', 'DELAY_KEY_WRITE', 'DELETE', 'DESC', 'DESCRIBE', 'DETERMINISTIC', 'DISTINCT', 'DISTINCTROW', 'DIV', 'DO', 'DROP', 'DUMPFILE', 'DUPLICATE', 'DYNAMIC', 'ELSE', 'ENCLOSED', 'END', 'ENGINE', 'ENGINES', 'ESCAPE', 'ESCAPED', 'EVENTS', 'EXECUTE', 'EXISTS', 'EXPLAIN', 'EXTENDED', 'FALSE', 'FAST', 'FIELDS', 'FILE', 'FIRST', 'FIXED', 'FLUSH', 'FOR', 'FORCE', 'FOREIGN', 'FROM', 'FULL', 'FULLTEXT', 'FUNCTION', 'GEMINI', 'GEMINI_SPIN_RETRIES', 'GENERAL', 'GLOBAL', 'GRANT', 'GRANTS', 'GROUP', 'HAVING', 'HEAP', 'HIGH_PRIORITY', 'HOSTS', 'HOUR', 'HOUR_MINUTE', 'HOUR_SECOND', 'IDENTIFIED', 'IF', 'IGNORE', 'IGNORE_SERVER_IDS', 'IN', 'INDEX', 'INDEXES', 'INFILE', 'INNER', 'INSERT', 'INSERT_ID', 'INSERT_METHOD', 'INTERVAL', 'INTO', 'INVOKER', 'IS', 'ISOLATION', 'JOIN', 'KEY', 'KEYS', 'KILL', 'LAST_INSERT_ID', 'LEADING', 'LEFT', 'LIKE', 'LIMIT', 'LINEAR', // 5.1 'LINES', 'LOAD', 'LOCAL', 'LOCK', 'LOCKS', 'LOGS', 'LOW_PRIORITY', 'MARIA', // 5.1 ? 'MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY', 'MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD', 'MASTER_HOST', 'MASTER_LOG_FILE', 'MASTER_LOG_POS', 'MASTER_PASSWORD', 'MASTER_PORT', 'MASTER_USER', 'MATCH', 'MAXVALUE', 'MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR', 'MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR', 'MAX_ROWS', 'MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR', 'MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS', 'MEDIUM', 'MERGE', 'MINUTE', 'MINUTE_SECOND', 'MIN_ROWS', 'MODE', 'MODIFY', 'MONTH', 'MRG_MYISAM', 'MYISAM', 'NAMES', 'NATURAL', // 'NO' is not allowed in SQL-99 but is allowed in MySQL //'NO', 'NOT', 'NULL', 'OFFSET', 'ON', 'OPEN', 'OPTIMIZE', 'OPTION', 'OPTIONALLY', 'OR', 'ORDER', 'OUTER', 'OUTFILE', 'PACK_KEYS', 'PAGE', // 5.1-maria ? 'PAGE_CHECKSUM', // 5.1 'PARTIAL', 'PARTITION', // 5.1 'PARTITIONS', // 5.1 'PASSWORD', 'PRIMARY', 'PRIVILEGES', 'PROCEDURE', 'PROCESS', 'PROCESSLIST', 'PURGE', 'QUICK', 'RAID0', 'RAID_CHUNKS', 'RAID_CHUNKSIZE', 'RAID_TYPE', 'RANGE', // 5.1 'READ', 'READ_ONLY', // 5.1 'READ_WRITE', // 5.1 'REFERENCES', 'REGEXP', 'RELOAD', 'RENAME', 'REPAIR', 'REPEATABLE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLICATION', 'RESET', 'RESIGNAL', 'RESTORE', 'RESTRICT', 'RETURN', 'RETURNS', 'REVOKE', 'RIGHT', 'RLIKE', 'ROLLBACK', 'ROW', 'ROWS', 'ROW_FORMAT', 'SECOND', 'SECURITY', 'SELECT', 'SEPARATOR', 'SERIALIZABLE', 'SESSION', 'SHARE', 'SHOW', 'SHUTDOWN', 'SIGNAL', 'SLAVE', 'SLOW', 'SONAME', 'SOUNDS', // string-functions.html 'SQL', 'SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL', 'SQL_BIG_RESULT', 'SQL_BIG_SELECTS', 'SQL_BIG_TABLES', 'SQL_BUFFER_RESULT', 'SQL_CACHE', 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', 'SQL_LOG_BIN', 'SQL_LOG_OFF', 'SQL_LOG_UPDATE', 'SQL_LOW_PRIORITY_UPDATES', 'SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE', 'SQL_NO_CACHE', 'SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE', 'SQL_SAFE_UPDATES', 'SQL_SELECT_LIMIT', 'SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER', 'SQL_SMALL_RESULT', 'SQL_WARNINGS', 'START', 'STARTING', 'STATUS', 'STOP', 'STORAGE', 'STRAIGHT_JOIN', 'STRING', 'STRIPED', 'SUPER', 'TABLE', 'TABLES', 'TEMPORARY', 'TERMINATED', 'THEN', 'TO', 'TRAILING', 'TRANSACTIONAL', // 5.1 ? 'TRUE', 'TRUNCATE', 'TYPE', 'TYPES', 'UNCOMMITTED', 'UNION', 'UNIQUE', 'UNLOCK', 'UPDATE', 'USAGE', 'USE', 'USING', 'VALUES', 'VARIABLES', 'VIEW', 'WHEN', 'WHERE', 'WITH', 'WORK', 'WRITE', 'XOR', 'YEAR_MONTH' ); /** * words forbidden to be used as column or table name wihtout quotes * as seen in http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/reserved-words.html * * @global array MySQL forbidden words */ $PMA_SQPdata_forbidden_word = array ( 'ACCESSIBLE', // 5.1 'ACTION', 'ADD', 'AFTER', 'AGAINST', 'AGGREGATE', 'ALGORITHM', 'ALL', 'ALTER', 'ANALYZE', 'AND', 'ANY', 'AS', 'ASC', 'ASCII', 'ASENSITIVE', 'AUTO_INCREMENT', 'AVG', 'AVG_ROW_LENGTH', 'BACKUP', 'BDB', 'BEFORE', 'BEGIN', 'BERKELEYDB', 'BETWEEN', 'BIGINT', 'BINARY', 'BINLOG', 'BIT', 'BLOB', 'BOOL', 'BOOLEAN', 'BOTH', 'BTREE', 'BY', 'BYTE', 'CACHE', 'CALL', 'CASCADE', 'CASCADED', 'CASE', 'CHAIN', 'CHANGE', 'CHANGED', 'CHAR', 'CHARACTER', 'CHARSET', 'CHECK', 'CHECKSUM', 'CIPHER', 'CLOSE', 'COLLATE', 'COLLATION', 'COLUMN', 'COLUMNS', 'COMMENT', 'COMMIT', 'COMMITTED', 'COMPACT', 'COMPRESSED', 'CONCURRENT', 'CONDITION', 'CONNECTION', 'CONSISTENT', 'CONSTRAINT', 'CONTAINS', 'CONTINUE', 'CONVERT', 'CREATE', 'CROSS', 'CUBE', 'CURRENT_DATE', 'CURRENT_TIME', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'CURRENT_USER', 'CURSOR', 'DATA', 'DATABASE', 'DATABASES', 'DATE', 'DATETIME', 'DAY', 'DAY_HOUR', 'DAY_MICROSECOND', 'DAY_MINUTE', 'DAY_SECOND', 'DEALLOCATE', 'DEC', 'DECIMAL', 'DECLARE', 'DEFAULT', 'DEFINER', 'DELAYED', 'DELAY_KEY_WRITE', 'DELETE', 'DESC', 'DESCRIBE', 'DES_KEY_FILE', 'DETERMINISTIC', 'DIRECTORY', 'DISABLE', 'DISCARD', 'DISTINCT', 'DISTINCTROW', 'DIV', 'DO', 'DOUBLE', 'DROP', 'DUAL', 'DUMPFILE', 'DUPLICATE', 'DYNAMIC', 'EACH', 'ELSE', 'ELSEIF', 'ENABLE', 'ENCLOSED', 'END', 'ENGINE', 'ENGINES', 'ENUM', 'ERRORS', 'ESCAPE', 'ESCAPED', 'EVENTS', 'EXECUTE', 'EXISTS', 'EXIT', 'EXPANSION', 'EXPLAIN', 'EXTENDED', 'FALSE', 'FAST', 'FETCH', 'FIELDS', 'FILE', 'FIRST', 'FIXED', 'FLOAT', 'FLOAT4', 'FLOAT8', 'FLUSH', 'FOR', 'FORCE', 'FOREIGN', 'FOUND', 'FRAC_SECOND', 'FROM', 'FULL', 'FULLTEXT', 'FUNCTION', 'GEOMETRY', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', 'GET_FORMAT', 'GLOBAL', 'GOTO', 'GRANT', 'GRANTS', 'GROUP', 'HANDLER', 'HASH', 'HAVING', 'HELP', 'HIGH_PRIORITY', 'HOSTS', 'HOUR', 'HOUR_MICROSECOND', 'HOUR_MINUTE', 'HOUR_SECOND', 'IDENTIFIED', 'IF', 'IGNORE', 'IMPORT', 'IN', 'INDEX', 'INDEXES', 'INFILE', 'INNER', 'INNOBASE', 'INNODB', 'INOUT', 'INSENSITIVE', 'INSERT', 'INSERT_METHOD', 'INT', 'INT1', 'INT2', 'INT3', 'INT4', 'INT8', 'INTEGER', 'INTERVAL', 'INTO', 'INVOKER', 'IO_THREAD', 'IS', 'ISOLATION', 'ISSUER', 'ITERATE', 'JOIN', 'KEY', 'KEYS', 'KILL', 'LABEL', 'LANGUAGE', 'LAST', 'LEADING', 'LEAVE', 'LEAVES', 'LEFT', 'LIKE', 'LIMIT', 'LINEAR', // 5.1 'LINES', 'LINESTRING', 'LOAD', 'LOCAL', 'LOCALTIME', 'LOCALTIMESTAMP', 'LOCK', 'LOCKS', 'LOGS', 'LONG', 'LONGBLOB', 'LONGTEXT', 'LOOP', 'LOW_PRIORITY', 'MASTER', 'MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY', 'MASTER_HOST', 'MASTER_LOG_FILE', 'MASTER_LOG_POS', 'MASTER_PASSWORD', 'MASTER_PORT', 'MASTER_SERVER_ID', 'MASTER_SSL', 'MASTER_SSL_CA', 'MASTER_SSL_CAPATH', 'MASTER_SSL_CERT', 'MASTER_SSL_CIPHER', 'MASTER_SSL_KEY', 'MASTER_USER', 'MATCH', 'MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR', 'MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR', 'MAX_ROWS', 'MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR', 'MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS', 'MEDIUM', 'MEDIUMBLOB', 'MEDIUMINT', 'MEDIUMTEXT', 'MERGE', 'MICROSECOND', 'MIDDLEINT', 'MIGRATE', 'MINUTE', 'MINUTE_MICROSECOND', 'MINUTE_SECOND', 'MIN_ROWS', 'MOD', 'MODE', 'MODIFIES', 'MODIFY', 'MONTH', 'MULTILINESTRING', 'MULTIPOINT', 'MULTIPOLYGON', 'MUTEX', 'NATIONAL', 'NATURAL', 'NCHAR', 'NDB', 'NDBCLUSTER', 'NEW', 'NEXT', 'NO', 'NONE', 'NOT', 'NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG', 'NULL', 'NUMERIC', 'NVARCHAR', 'OFFSET', 'OLD_PASSWORD', 'ON', 'ONE', 'ONE_SHOT', 'OPEN', 'OPTIMIZE', 'OPTION', 'OPTIONALLY', 'OR', 'ORDER', 'OUT', 'OUTER', 'OUTFILE', 'PACK_KEYS', 'PARTIAL', 'PASSWORD', 'PHASE', 'POINT', 'POLYGON', 'PRECISION', 'PREPARE', 'PREV', 'PRIMARY', 'PRIVILEGES', 'PROCEDURE', 'PROCESSLIST', 'PURGE', 'QUARTER', 'QUERY', 'QUICK', 'RAID0', 'RAID_CHUNKS', 'RAID_CHUNKSIZE', 'RAID_TYPE', 'RANGE', // 5.1 'READ', 'READS', 'READ_ONLY', // 5.1 'READ_WRITE', // 5.1 'REAL', 'RECOVER', 'REDUNDANT', 'REFERENCES', 'REGEXP', 'RELAY_LOG_FILE', 'RELAY_LOG_POS', 'RELAY_THREAD', 'RELEASE', 'RELOAD', 'RENAME', 'REPAIR', 'REPEAT', 'REPEATABLE', 'REPLACE', 'REPLICATION', 'REQUIRE', 'RESET', 'RESTORE', 'RESTRICT', 'RESUME', 'RETURN', 'RETURNS', 'REVOKE', 'RIGHT', 'RLIKE', 'ROLLBACK', 'ROLLUP', 'ROUTINE', 'ROW', 'ROWS', 'ROW_FORMAT', 'RTREE', 'SAVEPOINT', 'SCHEMA', 'SCHEMAS', 'SECOND', 'SECOND_MICROSECOND', 'SECURITY', 'SELECT', 'SENSITIVE', 'SEPARATOR', 'SERIAL', 'SERIALIZABLE', 'SESSION', 'SET', 'SHARE', 'SHOW', 'SHUTDOWN', 'SIGNED', 'SIMPLE', 'SLAVE', 'SMALLINT', 'SNAPSHOT', 'SOME', 'SONAME', 'SOUNDS', 'SPATIAL', 'SPECIFIC', 'SQL', 'SQLEXCEPTION', 'SQLSTATE', 'SQLWARNING', 'SQL_BIG_RESULT', 'SQL_BUFFER_RESULT', 'SQL_CACHE', 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', 'SQL_NO_CACHE', 'SQL_SMALL_RESULT', 'SQL_THREAD', 'SQL_TSI_DAY', 'SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND', 'SQL_TSI_HOUR', 'SQL_TSI_MINUTE', 'SQL_TSI_MONTH', 'SQL_TSI_QUARTER', 'SQL_TSI_SECOND', 'SQL_TSI_WEEK', 'SQL_TSI_YEAR', 'SSL', 'START', 'STARTING', 'STATUS', 'STOP', 'STORAGE', 'STRAIGHT_JOIN', 'STRING', 'STRIPED', 'SUBJECT', 'SUPER', 'SUSPEND', 'TABLE', 'TABLES', 'TABLESPACE', 'TEMPORARY', 'TEMPTABLE', 'TERMINATED', 'TEXT', 'THEN', 'TIME', 'TIMESTAMP', 'TIMESTAMPADD', 'TIMESTAMPDIFF', 'TINYBLOB', 'TINYINT', 'TINYTEXT', 'TO', 'TRAILING', 'TRANSACTION', 'TRIGGER', 'TRIGGERS', 'TRUE', 'TRUNCATE', 'TYPE', 'TYPES', 'UNCOMMITTED', 'UNDEFINED', 'UNDO', 'UNICODE', 'UNION', 'UNIQUE', 'UNKNOWN', 'UNLOCK', 'UNSIGNED', 'UNTIL', 'UPDATE', 'USAGE', 'USE', 'USER', 'USER_RESOURCES', 'USE_FRM', 'USING', 'UTC_DATE', 'UTC_TIME', 'UTC_TIMESTAMP', 'VALUE', 'VALUES', 'VARBINARY', 'VARCHAR', 'VARCHARACTER', 'VARIABLES', 'VARYING', 'VIEW', 'WARNINGS', 'WEEK', 'WHEN', 'WHERE', 'WHILE', 'WITH', 'WORK', 'WRITE', 'X509', 'XA', 'XOR', 'YEAR', 'YEAR_MONTH', 'ZEROFILL' ); /** * the MySQL column/data types * * @see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/data-types.html * @see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysql-spatial-datatypes.html * * @global array MySQL column types */ $PMA_SQPdata_column_type = array ( 'BIGINT', 'BINARY', 'BIT', 'BLOB', 'BOOL', 'BOOLEAN', // numeric-type-overview.html 'CHAR', 'CHARACTER', 'DATE', 'DATETIME', 'DEC', 'DECIMAL', 'DOUBLE', 'ENUM', 'FLOAT', 'FLOAT4', 'FLOAT8', 'GEOMETRY', // spatial 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', // spatial 'INT', 'INT1', 'INT2', 'INT3', 'INT4', 'INT8', 'INTEGER', 'LINESTRING', // spatial 'LONG', 'LONGBLOB', 'LONGTEXT', 'MEDIUMBLOB', 'MEDIUMINT', 'MEDIUMTEXT', 'MIDDLEINT', 'MULTILINESTRING', // spatial 'MULTIPOINT', // spatial 'MULTIPOLYGON', // spatial 'NCHAR', 'NUMERIC', 'POINT', // spatial 'POLYGON', // spatial 'REAL', 'SERIAL', // alias 'SET', 'SMALLINT', 'TEXT', 'TIME', 'TIMESTAMP', 'TINYBLOB', 'TINYINT', 'TINYTEXT', 'VARBINARY', 'VARCHAR', 'YEAR' ); /** * Documentation links for operators. */ $PMA_SQPdata_operators_docs = array( '!=' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_not-equal', ), '<>' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_not-equal', ), '!' => array( 'link' => 'logical-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_not', ), '||' => array( 'link' => 'logical-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_or', ), '+' => array( 'link' => 'arithmetic-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_plus', ), '>>' => array( 'link' => 'bit-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_right-shift', ), '-' => array( 'link' => 'arithmetic-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_minus', ), '*' => array( 'link' => 'arithmetic-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_times', ), '&&' => array( 'link' => 'logical-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_and', ), '&' => array( 'link' => 'bit-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_bitwise-and', ), '~' => array( 'link' => 'bit-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_bitwise-invert', ), '|' => array( 'link' => 'bit-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_bitwise-or', ), '^' => array( 'link' => 'bit-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_bitwise-xor', ), //FIXME:duplicated key "=" '=' => array( 'link' => 'assignment-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_assign-equal', ), ':=' => array( 'link' => 'assignment-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_assign-value', ), '/' => array( 'link' => 'arithmetic-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_divide', ), '<=>' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_equal-to', ), //FIXME:duplicated key "=" '=' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_equal', ), '>=' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_greater-than-or-equal', ), '>' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_greater-than', ), '<<' => array( 'link' => 'bit-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_left-shift', ), '<=' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_less-than-or-equal', ), '<' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_less-than', ), '%' => array( 'link' => 'arithmetic-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_mod', ) ); /** * Documentation links for functions. */ $PMA_SQPdata_functions_docs = array( 'ABS' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_abs', ), 'ACOS' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_acos', ), 'ADDDATE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_adddate', ), 'ADDTIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_addtime', ), 'AES_DECRYPT' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_aes_decrypt', ), 'AES_ENCRYPT' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_aes_encrypt', ), 'AND' => array( 'link' => 'logical-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_and', ), 'ASCII' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_ascii', ), 'ASIN' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_asin', ), 'ATAN2' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_atan2', ), 'ATAN' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_atan', ), 'AVG' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_avg', ), 'BENCHMARK' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_benchmark', ), 'BIN' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_bin', ), 'BINARY' => array( 'link' => 'cast-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_binary', ), 'BIT_AND' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_bit_and', ), 'BIT_COUNT' => array( 'link' => 'bit-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_bit_count', ), 'BIT_LENGTH' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_bit_length', ), 'BIT_OR' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_bit_or', ), 'BIT_XOR' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_bit_xor', ), 'CASE' => array( 'link' => 'control-flow-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_case', ), 'CAST' => array( 'link' => 'cast-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_cast', ), 'CEIL' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_ceil', ), 'CEILING' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_ceiling', ), 'CHAR_LENGTH' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_char_length', ), 'CHAR' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_char', ), 'CHARACTER_LENGTH' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_character_length', ), 'CHARSET' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_charset', ), 'COALESCE' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'function_coalesce', ), 'COERCIBILITY' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_coercibility', ), 'COLLATION' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_collation', ), 'COMPRESS' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_compress', ), 'CONCAT_WS' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_concat_ws', ), 'CONCAT' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_concat', ), 'CONNECTION_ID' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_connection_id', ), 'CONV' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_conv', ), 'CONVERT_TZ' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_convert_tz', ), 'Convert' => array( 'link' => 'cast-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_convert', ), 'COS' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_cos', ), 'COT' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_cot', ), 'COUNT' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_count', ), 'CRC32' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_crc32', ), 'CURDATE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_curdate', ), 'CURRENT_DATE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_current_date', ), 'CURRENT_TIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_current_time', ), 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_current_timestamp', ), 'CURRENT_USER' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_current_user', ), 'CURTIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_curtime', ), 'DATABASE' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_database', ), 'DATE_ADD' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_date_add', ), 'DATE_FORMAT' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_date_format', ), 'DATE_SUB' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_date_sub', ), 'DATE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_date', ), 'DATEDIFF' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_datediff', ), 'DAY' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_day', ), 'DAYNAME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_dayname', ), 'DAYOFMONTH' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_dayofmonth', ), 'DAYOFWEEK' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_dayofweek', ), 'DAYOFYEAR' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_dayofyear', ), 'DECLARE' => array('link' => 'declare', 'anchor' => 'declare'), 'DECODE' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_decode', ), 'DEFAULT' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_default', ), 'DEGREES' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_degrees', ), 'DES_DECRYPT' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_des_decrypt', ), 'DES_ENCRYPT' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_des_encrypt', ), 'DIV' => array( 'link' => 'arithmetic-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_div', ), 'ELT' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_elt', ), 'ENCODE' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_encode', ), 'ENCRYPT' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_encrypt', ), 'EXP' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_exp', ), 'EXPORT_SET' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_export_set', ), 'EXTRACT' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_extract', ), 'ExtractValue' => array( 'link' => 'xml-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_extractvalue', ), 'FIELD' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_field', ), 'FIND_IN_SET' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_find_in_set', ), 'FLOOR' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_floor', ), 'FORMAT' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_format', ), 'FOUND_ROWS' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_found_rows', ), 'FROM_DAYS' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_from_days', ), 'FROM_UNIXTIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_from_unixtime', ), 'GET_FORMAT' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_get_format', ), 'GET_LOCK' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_get_lock', ), 'GREATEST' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'function_greatest', ), 'GROUP_CONCAT' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_group_concat', ), 'HEX' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_hex', ), 'HOUR' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_hour', ), 'IF' => array( 'link' => 'control-flow-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_if', ), 'IFNULL' => array( 'link' => 'control-flow-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_ifnull', ), 'IN' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'function_in', ), 'INET_ATON' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_inet_aton', ), 'INET_NTOA' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_inet_ntoa', ), 'INSERT' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_insert', ), 'INSTR' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_instr', ), 'INTERVAL' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'function_interval', ), 'IS_FREE_LOCK' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_is_free_lock', ), 'IS_USED_LOCK' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_is_used_lock', ), 'IS' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_is', ), 'ISNULL' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'function_isnull', ), 'LAST_DAY' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_last_day', ), 'LAST_INSERT_ID' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_last_insert_id', ), 'LCASE' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_lcase', ), 'LEAST' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'function_least', ), 'LEFT' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_left', ), 'LENGTH' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_length', ), 'LIKE' => array( 'link' => 'string-comparison-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_like', ), 'LN' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_ln', ), 'LOAD_FILE' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_load_file', ), 'LOCALTIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_localtime', ), 'LOCALTIMESTAMP' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_localtimestamp', ), 'LOCATE' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_locate', ), 'LOG10' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_log10', ), 'LOG2' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_log2', ), 'LOG' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_log', ), 'LOWER' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_lower', ), 'LPAD' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_lpad', ), 'LTRIM' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_ltrim', ), 'MAKE_SET' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_make_set', ), 'MAKEDATE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_makedate', ), 'MAKETIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_maketime', ), 'MASTER_POS_WAIT' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_master_pos_wait', ), 'MATCH' => array( 'link' => 'fulltext-search', 'anchor' => 'function_match', ), 'MAX' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_max', ), 'MD5' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_md5', ), 'MICROSECOND' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_microsecond', ), 'MID' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_mid', ), 'MIN' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_min', ), 'MINUTE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_minute', ), 'MOD' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_mod', ), 'MONTH' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_month', ), 'MONTHNAME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_monthname', ), 'NAME_CONST' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_name_const', ), 'NOT' => array( 'link' => 'logical-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_not', ), 'NOW' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_now', ), 'NULLIF' => array( 'link' => 'control-flow-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_nullif', ), 'OCT' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_oct', ), 'OCTET_LENGTH' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_octet_length', ), 'OLD_PASSWORD' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_old_password', ), 'OR' => array( 'link' => 'logical-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_or', ), 'ORD' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_ord', ), 'PASSWORD' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_password', ), 'PERIOD_ADD' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_period_add', ), 'PERIOD_DIFF' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_period_diff', ), 'PI' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_pi', ), 'POSITION' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_position', ), 'POW' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_pow', ), 'POWER' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_power', ), 'QUARTER' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_quarter', ), 'QUOTE' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_quote', ), 'RADIANS' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_radians', ), 'RAND' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_rand', ), 'REGEXP' => array( 'link' => 'regexp', 'anchor' => 'operator_regexp', ), 'RELEASE_LOCK' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_release_lock', ), 'REPEAT' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_repeat', ), 'REPLACE' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_replace', ), 'REVERSE' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_reverse', ), 'RIGHT' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_right', ), 'RLIKE' => array( 'link' => 'regexp', 'anchor' => 'operator_rlike', ), 'ROUND' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_round', ), 'ROW_COUNT' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_row_count', ), 'RPAD' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_rpad', ), 'RTRIM' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_rtrim', ), 'SCHEMA' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_schema', ), 'SEC_TO_TIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_sec_to_time', ), 'SECOND' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_second', ), 'SESSION_USER' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_session_user', ), 'SHA' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_sha1', ), 'SHA1' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_sha1', ), 'SIGN' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_sign', ), 'SIN' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_sin', ), 'SLEEP' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_sleep', ), 'SOUNDEX' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_soundex', ), 'SPACE' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_space', ), 'SQRT' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_sqrt', ), 'STD' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_std', ), 'STDDEV_POP' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_stddev_pop', ), 'STDDEV_SAMP' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_stddev_samp', ), 'STDDEV' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_stddev', ), 'STR_TO_DATE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_str_to_date', ), 'STRCMP' => array( 'link' => 'string-comparison-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_strcmp', ), 'SUBDATE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_subdate', ), 'SUBSTR' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_substr', ), 'SUBSTRING_INDEX' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_substring_index', ), 'SUBSTRING' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_substring', ), 'SUBTIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_subtime', ), 'SUM' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_sum', ), 'SYSDATE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_sysdate', ), 'SYSTEM_USER' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_system_user', ), 'TAN' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_tan', ), 'TIME_FORMAT' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_time_format', ), 'TIME_TO_SEC' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_time_to_sec', ), 'TIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_time', ), 'TIMEDIFF' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_timediff', ), 'TIMESTAMP' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_timestamp', ), 'TIMESTAMPADD' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_timestampadd', ), 'TIMESTAMPDIFF' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_timestampdiff', ), 'TO_DAYS' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_to_days', ), 'TRIM' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_trim', ), 'TRUNCATE' => array( 'link' => 'mathematical-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_truncate', ), 'UCASE' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_ucase', ), 'UNCOMPRESS' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_uncompress', ), 'UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH' => array( 'link' => 'encryption-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_uncompressed_length', ), 'UNHEX' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_unhex', ), 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_unix_timestamp', ), 'UpdateXML' => array( 'link' => 'xml-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_updatexml', ), 'UPPER' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_upper', ), 'USER' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_user', ), 'UTC_DATE' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_utc_date', ), 'UTC_TIME' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_utc_time', ), 'UTC_TIMESTAMP' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_utc_timestamp', ), 'UUID_SHORT' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_uuid_short', ), 'UUID' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_uuid', ), 'VALUES' => array( 'link' => 'miscellaneous-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_values', ), 'VAR_POP' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_var_pop', ), 'VAR_SAMP' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_var_samp', ), 'VARIANCE' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_variance', ), 'VERSION' => array( 'link' => 'information-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_version', ), 'WEEK' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_week', ), 'WEEKDAY' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_weekday', ), 'WEEKOFYEAR' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_weekofyear', ), 'XOR' => array( 'link' => 'logical-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_xor', ), 'YEAR' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_year', ), 'YEARWEEK' => array( 'link' => 'date-and-time-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_yearweek', ), 'SOUNDS_LIKE' => array( 'link' => 'string-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_sounds-like', ), 'IS_NOT_NULL' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_is-not-null', ), 'IS_NOT' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_is-not', ), 'IS_NULL' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'operator_is-null', ), 'NOT_LIKE' => array( 'link' => 'string-comparison-functions', 'anchor' => 'operator_not-like', ), 'NOT_REGEXP' => array( 'link' => 'regexp', 'anchor' => 'operator_not-regexp', ), 'COUNT_DISTINCT' => array( 'link' => 'group-by-functions', 'anchor' => 'function_count-distinct', ), 'NOT_IN' => array( 'link' => 'comparison-operators', 'anchor' => 'function_not-in', ) ); ?>