getHeader(); $scripts = $header->getScripts(); $scripts->addFile('server_privileges.js'); $_add_user_error = false; if (isset ($_REQUEST['username'])) { $username = $_REQUEST['username']; } if (isset ($_REQUEST['hostname'])) { $hostname = $_REQUEST['hostname']; } /** * Sets globals from $_POST patterns, for privileges and max_* vars */ $post_patterns = array( '/_priv$/i', '/^max_/i' ); foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $post_key) { foreach ($post_patterns as $one_post_pattern) { if (preg_match($one_post_pattern, $post_key)) { $GLOBALS[$post_key] = $_POST[$post_key]; } } } require 'libraries/'; $conditional_class = 'ajax'; /** * Messages are built using the message name */ $strPrivDescAllPrivileges = __('Includes all privileges except GRANT.'); $strPrivDescAlter = __('Allows altering the structure of existing tables.'); $strPrivDescAlterRoutine = __('Allows altering and dropping stored routines.'); $strPrivDescCreateDb = __('Allows creating new databases and tables.'); $strPrivDescCreateRoutine = __('Allows creating stored routines.'); $strPrivDescCreateTbl = __('Allows creating new tables.'); $strPrivDescCreateTmpTable = __('Allows creating temporary tables.'); $strPrivDescCreateUser = __('Allows creating, dropping and renaming user accounts.'); $strPrivDescCreateView = __('Allows creating new views.'); $strPrivDescDelete = __('Allows deleting data.'); $strPrivDescDropDb = __('Allows dropping databases and tables.'); $strPrivDescDropTbl = __('Allows dropping tables.'); $strPrivDescEvent = __('Allows to set up events for the event scheduler'); $strPrivDescExecute = __('Allows executing stored routines.'); $strPrivDescFile = __('Allows importing data from and exporting data into files.'); $strPrivDescGrant = __('Allows adding users and privileges without reloading the privilege tables.'); $strPrivDescIndex = __('Allows creating and dropping indexes.'); $strPrivDescInsert = __('Allows inserting and replacing data.'); $strPrivDescLockTables = __('Allows locking tables for the current thread.'); $strPrivDescMaxConnections = __('Limits the number of new connections the user may open per hour.'); $strPrivDescMaxQuestions = __('Limits the number of queries the user may send to the server per hour.'); $strPrivDescMaxUpdates = __('Limits the number of commands that change any table or database the user may execute per hour.'); $strPrivDescMaxUserConnections = __('Limits the number of simultaneous connections the user may have.'); $strPrivDescProcess = __('Allows viewing processes of all users'); $strPrivDescReferences = __('Has no effect in this MySQL version.'); $strPrivDescReload = __('Allows reloading server settings and flushing the server\'s caches.'); $strPrivDescReplClient = __('Allows the user to ask where the slaves / masters are.'); $strPrivDescReplSlave = __('Needed for the replication slaves.'); $strPrivDescSelect = __('Allows reading data.'); $strPrivDescShowDb = __('Gives access to the complete list of databases.'); $strPrivDescShowView = __('Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries.'); $strPrivDescShutdown = __('Allows shutting down the server.'); $strPrivDescSuper = __('Allows connecting, even if maximum number of connections is reached; required for most administrative operations like setting global variables or killing threads of other users.'); $strPrivDescTrigger = __('Allows creating and dropping triggers'); $strPrivDescUpdate = __('Allows changing data.'); $strPrivDescUsage = __('No privileges.'); /** * Checks if a dropdown box has been used for selecting a database / table */ if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['pred_tablename'])) { $tablename = $_REQUEST['pred_tablename']; } elseif (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['tablename'])) { $tablename = $_REQUEST['tablename']; } else { unset($tablename); } if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['pred_dbname'])) { $dbname = $_REQUEST['pred_dbname']; unset($pred_dbname); } elseif (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['dbname'])) { $dbname = $_REQUEST['dbname']; } else { unset($dbname); unset($tablename); } if (isset($dbname)) { $unescaped_db = PMA_Util::unescapeMysqlWildcards($dbname); $db_and_table = PMA_Util::backquote($unescaped_db) . '.'; if (isset($tablename)) { $db_and_table .= PMA_Util::backquote($tablename); } else { $db_and_table .= '*'; } } else { $db_and_table = '*.*'; } // check if given $dbname is a wildcard or not if (isset($dbname)) { //if (preg_match('/\\\\(?:_|%)/i', $dbname)) { if (preg_match('/(?addHTML( '

' . "\n" . PMA_Util::getIcon('b_usrlist.png') . __('Privileges') . "\n" . '

' . "\n" ); $response->addHTML(PMA_Message::error(__('No Privileges'))->getDisplay()); exit; } /** * Changes / copies a user, part I */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) { $user_host_condition = ' WHERE `User` = ' . "'". PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['old_username']) . "'" . ' AND `Host` = ' . "'" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($_REQUEST['old_hostname']) . "';"; $row = PMA_DBI_fetch_single_row( 'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`user` ' . $user_host_condition ); if (! $row) { PMA_Message::notice(__('No user found.'))->display(); unset($_REQUEST['change_copy']); } else { extract($row, EXTR_OVERWRITE); // Recent MySQL versions have the field "Password" in mysql.user, // so the previous extract creates $Password but this script // uses $password if (! isset($password) && isset($Password)) { $password = $Password; } $queries = array(); } } /** * Adds a user * (Changes / copies a user, part II) */ if (isset($_REQUEST['adduser_submit']) || isset($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) { $sql_query = ''; if ($_POST['pred_username'] == 'any') { $username = ''; } switch ($_POST['pred_hostname']) { case 'any': $hostname = '%'; break; case 'localhost': $hostname = 'localhost'; break; case 'hosttable': $hostname = ''; break; case 'thishost': $_user_name = PMA_DBI_fetch_value('SELECT USER()'); $hostname = substr($_user_name, (strrpos($_user_name, '@') + 1)); unset($_user_name); break; } $sql = "SELECT '1' FROM `mysql`.`user`" . " WHERE `User` = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($username) . "'" . " AND `Host` = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($hostname) . "';"; if (PMA_DBI_fetch_value($sql) == 1) { $message = PMA_Message::error(__('The user %s already exists!')); $message->addParam('[em]\'' . $username . '\'@\'' . $hostname . '\'[/em]'); $_REQUEST['adduser'] = true; $_add_user_error = true; } else { list($create_user_real, $create_user_show, $real_sql_query, $sql_query) = PMA_getSqlQueriesForDisplayAndAddUser( $username, $hostname, (isset ($password) ? $password : '') ); if (empty($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) { $_error = false; if (isset($create_user_real)) { if (! PMA_DBI_try_query($create_user_real)) { $_error = true; } $sql_query = $create_user_show . $sql_query; } list($sql_query, $message) = PMA_addUserAndCreateDatabase( $_error, $real_sql_query, $sql_query, $username, $hostname, isset($dbname) ? $dbname : null ); } else { if (isset($create_user_real)) { $queries[] = $create_user_real; } $queries[] = $real_sql_query; // we put the query containing the hidden password in // $queries_for_display, at the same position occupied // by the real query in $queries $tmp_count = count($queries); if (isset($create_user_real)) { $queries_for_display[$tmp_count - 2] = $create_user_show; } $queries_for_display[$tmp_count - 1] = $sql_query; } unset($res, $real_sql_query); } } /** * Changes / copies a user, part III */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) { $queries = PMA_getDbSpecificPrivsQueriesForChangeOrCopyUser( $queries, $username, $hostname ); } /** * Updates privileges */ if (! empty($_POST['update_privs'])) { list($sql_query, $message) = PMA_updatePrivileges( $username, $hostname, (isset($tablename) ? $tablename : ''), (isset($dbname) ? $dbname : '') ); } /** * Revokes Privileges */ if (isset($_REQUEST['revokeall'])) { list ($message, $sql_query) = PMA_getMessageAndSqlQueryForPrivilegesRevoke( $db_and_table, (isset($dbname) ? $dbname : ''), (isset($tablename) ? $tablename : ''), $username, $hostname ); } /** * Updates the password */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change_pw'])) { $message = PMA_getMessageForUpdatePassword( $err_url, $username, $hostname ); } /** * Deletes users * (Changes / copies a user, part IV) */ if (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) || (isset($_REQUEST['change_copy']) && $_REQUEST['mode'] < 4) ) { if (isset($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) { $selected_usr = array( $_REQUEST['old_username'] . '&#27;' . $_REQUEST['old_hostname'] ); } else { $selected_usr = $_REQUEST['selected_usr']; $queries = array(); } foreach ($selected_usr as $each_user) { list($this_user, $this_host) = explode('&#27;', $each_user); $queries[] = '# ' . sprintf( __('Deleting %s'), '\'' . $this_user . '\'@\'' . $this_host . '\'' ) . ' ...'; $queries[] = 'DROP USER \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($this_user) . '\'@\'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($this_host) . '\';'; if (isset($_REQUEST['drop_users_db'])) { $queries[] = 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' . PMA_Util::backquote($this_user) . ';'; $GLOBALS['reload'] = true; } } if (empty($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) { list($sql_query, $message) = PMA_deleteUser($queries); } } /** * Changes / copies a user, part V */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change_copy'])) { $tmp_count = 0; foreach ($queries as $sql_query) { if ($sql_query{0} != '#') { PMA_DBI_query($sql_query); } // when there is a query containing a hidden password, take it // instead of the real query sent if (isset($queries_for_display[$tmp_count])) { $queries[$tmp_count] = $queries_for_display[$tmp_count]; } $tmp_count++; } $message = PMA_Message::success(); $sql_query = join("\n", $queries); } /** * Reloads the privilege tables into memory */ if (isset($_REQUEST['flush_privileges'])) { $sql_query = 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;'; PMA_DBI_query($sql_query); $message = PMA_Message::success(__('The privileges were reloaded successfully.')); } /** * some standard links */ list($link_edit, $link_revoke, $link_export) = PMA_getStandardLinks($conditional_class); /** * If we are in an Ajax request for Create User/Edit User/Revoke User/ * Flush Privileges, show $message and exit. */ if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] && empty($_REQUEST['ajax_page_request']) && ! isset($_REQUEST['export']) && (! isset($_REQUEST['submit_mult']) || $_REQUEST['submit_mult'] != 'export') && (! isset($_REQUEST['adduser']) || $_add_user_error) && (! isset($_REQUEST['initial']) || empty($_REQUEST['initial'])) && ! isset($_REQUEST['showall']) && ! isset($_REQUEST['edit_user_dialog']) && ! isset($_REQUEST['db_specific']) ) { $extra_data = PMA_getExtraDataForAjaxBehavior( (isset($password) ? $password : ''), $link_export, (isset($sql_query) ? $sql_query : ''), $link_edit, (isset($hostname) ? $hostname : ''), (isset($username) ? $username : '') ); if (! empty($message) && $message instanceof PMA_Message) { $response = PMA_Response::getInstance(); $response->isSuccess($message->isSuccess()); $response->addJSON('message', $message); $response->addJSON($extra_data); exit; } } /** * Displays the links */ if (isset($_REQUEST['viewing_mode']) && $_REQUEST['viewing_mode'] == 'db') { $_REQUEST['db'] = $_REQUEST['checkprivs']; $url_query .= '&goto=db_operations.php'; // Gets the database structure $sub_part = '_structure'; ob_start(); include 'libraries/'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $response->addHTML($content . "\n"); } else { if (! empty($GLOBALS['message'])) { $response->addHTML(PMA_Util::getMessage($GLOBALS['message'])); unset($GLOBALS['message']); } } /** * Displays the page */ // export user definition if (isset($_REQUEST['export']) || (isset($_REQUEST['submit_mult']) && $_REQUEST['submit_mult'] == 'export') ) { list($title, $export) = PMA_getHtmlForExportUserDefinition( isset($username) ? $username : null, isset($hostname) ? $hostname : null ); unset($username, $hostname, $grants, $one_grant); $response = PMA_Response::getInstance(); if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request']) { $response->addJSON('message', $export); $response->addJSON('title', $title); exit; } else { $response->addHTML("


$export"); } } if (empty($_REQUEST['adduser']) && (! isset($_REQUEST['checkprivs']) || ! strlen($_REQUEST['checkprivs'])) ) { if (! isset($username)) { // No username is given --> display the overview $response->addHTML( PMA_getHtmlForDisplayUserOverviewPage( $link_edit, $pmaThemeImage, $text_dir, $conditional_class, $link_export ) ); } else { // A user was selected -> display the user's properties // In an Ajax request, prevent cached values from showing if ($GLOBALS['is_ajax_request'] == true) { header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); } $url_dbname = urlencode( str_replace( array('\_', '\%'), array('_', '%'), $_REQUEST['dbname'] ) ); $response->addHTML( PMA_getHtmlForDisplayUserProperties( ((isset ($dbname_is_wildcard)) ? $dbname_is_wildcard : ''), $url_dbname, $username, $hostname, $link_edit, $link_revoke, (isset($unescaped_db) ? $unescaped_db : ''), (isset($tablename) ? $tablename : '') ) ); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['adduser'])) { // Add user $response->addHTML( PMA_getHtmlForAddUser((isset($dbname) ? $dbname : '')) ); } else { // check the privileges for a particular database. $response->addHTML( PMA_getHtmlForSpecificDbPrivileges($link_edit, $conditional_class) ); } // end if (empty($_REQUEST['adduser']) && empty($checkprivs))... elseif... else... ?>