redis = $redis; $this->setPrefix($prefix); $this->connection = $connection; } /** * Retrieve an item from the cache by key. * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function get($key) { if (! is_null($value = $this->connection()->get($this->prefix.$key))) { return is_numeric($value) ? $value : unserialize($value); } } /** * Store an item in the cache for a given number of minutes. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param int $minutes * @return void */ public function put($key, $value, $minutes) { $value = is_numeric($value) ? $value : serialize($value); $minutes = max(1, $minutes); $this->connection()->setex($this->prefix.$key, $minutes * 60, $value); } /** * Increment the value of an item in the cache. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return int */ public function increment($key, $value = 1) { return $this->connection()->incrby($this->prefix.$key, $value); } /** * Decrement the value of an item in the cache. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return int */ public function decrement($key, $value = 1) { return $this->connection()->decrby($this->prefix.$key, $value); } /** * Store an item in the cache indefinitely. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return void */ public function forever($key, $value) { $value = is_numeric($value) ? $value : serialize($value); $this->connection()->set($this->prefix.$key, $value); } /** * Remove an item from the cache. * * @param string $key * @return bool */ public function forget($key) { return (bool) $this->connection()->del($this->prefix.$key); } /** * Remove all items from the cache. * * @return void */ public function flush() { $this->connection()->flushdb(); } /** * Begin executing a new tags operation. * * @param array|mixed $names * @return \Illuminate\Cache\RedisTaggedCache */ public function tags($names) { return new RedisTaggedCache($this, new TagSet($this, is_array($names) ? $names : func_get_args())); } /** * Get the Redis connection instance. * * @return \Predis\ClientInterface */ public function connection() { return $this->redis->connection($this->connection); } /** * Set the connection name to be used. * * @param string $connection * @return void */ public function setConnection($connection) { $this->connection = $connection; } /** * Get the Redis database instance. * * @return \Illuminate\Redis\Database */ public function getRedis() { return $this->redis; } /** * Get the cache key prefix. * * @return string */ public function getPrefix() { return $this->prefix; } /** * Set the cache key prefix. * * @param string $prefix * @return void */ public function setPrefix($prefix) { $this->prefix = ! empty($prefix) ? $prefix.':' : ''; } }