table = $table; if (! is_null($callback)) { $callback($this); } } /** * Execute the blueprint against the database. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Connection $connection * @param \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars\Grammar $grammar * @return void */ public function build(Connection $connection, Grammar $grammar) { foreach ($this->toSql($connection, $grammar) as $statement) { $connection->statement($statement); } } /** * Get the raw SQL statements for the blueprint. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Connection $connection * @param \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars\Grammar $grammar * @return array */ public function toSql(Connection $connection, Grammar $grammar) { $this->addImpliedCommands(); $statements = []; // Each type of command has a corresponding compiler function on the schema // grammar which is used to build the necessary SQL statements to build // the blueprint element, so we'll just call that compilers function. foreach ($this->commands as $command) { $method = 'compile'.ucfirst($command->name); if (method_exists($grammar, $method)) { if (! is_null($sql = $grammar->$method($this, $command, $connection))) { $statements = array_merge($statements, (array) $sql); } } } return $statements; } /** * Add the commands that are implied by the blueprint. * * @return void */ protected function addImpliedCommands() { if (count($this->getAddedColumns()) > 0 && ! $this->creating()) { array_unshift($this->commands, $this->createCommand('add')); } if (count($this->getChangedColumns()) > 0 && ! $this->creating()) { array_unshift($this->commands, $this->createCommand('change')); } $this->addFluentIndexes(); } /** * Add the index commands fluently specified on columns. * * @return void */ protected function addFluentIndexes() { foreach ($this->columns as $column) { foreach (['primary', 'unique', 'index'] as $index) { // If the index has been specified on the given column, but is simply // equal to "true" (boolean), no name has been specified for this // index, so we will simply call the index methods without one. if ($column->$index === true) { $this->$index($column->name); continue 2; } // If the index has been specified on the column and it is something // other than boolean true, we will assume a name was provided on // the index specification, and pass in the name to the method. elseif (isset($column->$index)) { $this->$index($column->name, $column->$index); continue 2; } } } } /** * Determine if the blueprint has a create command. * * @return bool */ protected function creating() { foreach ($this->commands as $command) { if ($command->name == 'create') { return true; } } return false; } /** * Indicate that the table needs to be created. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function create() { return $this->addCommand('create'); } /** * Indicate that the table needs to be temporary. * * @return void */ public function temporary() { $this->temporary = true; } /** * Indicate that the table should be dropped. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function drop() { return $this->addCommand('drop'); } /** * Indicate that the table should be dropped if it exists. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function dropIfExists() { return $this->addCommand('dropIfExists'); } /** * Indicate that the given columns should be dropped. * * @param array|mixed $columns * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function dropColumn($columns) { $columns = is_array($columns) ? $columns : (array) func_get_args(); return $this->addCommand('dropColumn', compact('columns')); } /** * Indicate that the given columns should be renamed. * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function renameColumn($from, $to) { return $this->addCommand('renameColumn', compact('from', 'to')); } /** * Indicate that the given primary key should be dropped. * * @param string|array $index * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function dropPrimary($index = null) { return $this->dropIndexCommand('dropPrimary', 'primary', $index); } /** * Indicate that the given unique key should be dropped. * * @param string|array $index * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function dropUnique($index) { return $this->dropIndexCommand('dropUnique', 'unique', $index); } /** * Indicate that the given index should be dropped. * * @param string|array $index * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function dropIndex($index) { return $this->dropIndexCommand('dropIndex', 'index', $index); } /** * Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped. * * @param string $index * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function dropForeign($index) { return $this->dropIndexCommand('dropForeign', 'foreign', $index); } /** * Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped. * * @return void */ public function dropTimestamps() { $this->dropColumn('created_at', 'updated_at'); } /** * Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped. * * @return void */ public function dropTimestampsTz() { $this->dropTimestamps(); } /** * Indicate that the soft delete column should be dropped. * * @return void */ public function dropSoftDeletes() { $this->dropColumn('deleted_at'); } /** * Indicate that the remember token column should be dropped. * * @return void */ public function dropRememberToken() { $this->dropColumn('remember_token'); } /** * Rename the table to a given name. * * @param string $to * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function rename($to) { return $this->addCommand('rename', compact('to')); } /** * Specify the primary key(s) for the table. * * @param string|array $columns * @param string $name * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function primary($columns, $name = null) { return $this->indexCommand('primary', $columns, $name); } /** * Specify a unique index for the table. * * @param string|array $columns * @param string $name * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function unique($columns, $name = null) { return $this->indexCommand('unique', $columns, $name); } /** * Specify an index for the table. * * @param string|array $columns * @param string $name * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function index($columns, $name = null) { return $this->indexCommand('index', $columns, $name); } /** * Specify a foreign key for the table. * * @param string|array $columns * @param string $name * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function foreign($columns, $name = null) { return $this->indexCommand('foreign', $columns, $name); } /** * Create a new auto-incrementing integer (4-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function increments($column) { return $this->unsignedInteger($column, true); } /** * Create a new auto-incrementing small integer (2-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function smallIncrements($column) { return $this->unsignedSmallInteger($column, true); } /** * Create a new auto-incrementing medium integer (3-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function mediumIncrements($column) { return $this->unsignedMediumInteger($column, true); } /** * Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function bigIncrements($column) { return $this->unsignedBigInteger($column, true); } /** * Create a new char column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param int $length * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function char($column, $length = 255) { return $this->addColumn('char', $column, compact('length')); } /** * Create a new string column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param int $length * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function string($column, $length = 255) { return $this->addColumn('string', $column, compact('length')); } /** * Create a new text column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function text($column) { return $this->addColumn('text', $column); } /** * Create a new medium text column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function mediumText($column) { return $this->addColumn('mediumText', $column); } /** * Create a new long text column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function longText($column) { return $this->addColumn('longText', $column); } /** * Create a new integer (4-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @param bool $unsigned * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function integer($column, $autoIncrement = false, $unsigned = false) { return $this->addColumn('integer', $column, compact('autoIncrement', 'unsigned')); } /** * Create a new tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @param bool $unsigned * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function tinyInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false, $unsigned = false) { return $this->addColumn('tinyInteger', $column, compact('autoIncrement', 'unsigned')); } /** * Create a new small integer (2-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @param bool $unsigned * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function smallInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false, $unsigned = false) { return $this->addColumn('smallInteger', $column, compact('autoIncrement', 'unsigned')); } /** * Create a new medium integer (3-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @param bool $unsigned * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function mediumInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false, $unsigned = false) { return $this->addColumn('mediumInteger', $column, compact('autoIncrement', 'unsigned')); } /** * Create a new big integer (8-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @param bool $unsigned * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function bigInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false, $unsigned = false) { return $this->addColumn('bigInteger', $column, compact('autoIncrement', 'unsigned')); } /** * Create a new unsigned tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function unsignedTinyInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false) { return $this->tinyInteger($column, $autoIncrement, true); } /** * Create a new unsigned small integer (2-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function unsignedSmallInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false) { return $this->smallInteger($column, $autoIncrement, true); } /** * Create a new unsigned medium integer (3-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function unsignedMediumInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false) { return $this->mediumInteger($column, $autoIncrement, true); } /** * Create a new unsigned integer (4-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function unsignedInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false) { return $this->integer($column, $autoIncrement, true); } /** * Create a new unsigned big integer (8-byte) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param bool $autoIncrement * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function unsignedBigInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false) { return $this->bigInteger($column, $autoIncrement, true); } /** * Create a new float column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param int $total * @param int $places * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function float($column, $total = 8, $places = 2) { return $this->addColumn('float', $column, compact('total', 'places')); } /** * Create a new double column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param int|null $total * @param int|null $places * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function double($column, $total = null, $places = null) { return $this->addColumn('double', $column, compact('total', 'places')); } /** * Create a new decimal column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param int $total * @param int $places * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function decimal($column, $total = 8, $places = 2) { return $this->addColumn('decimal', $column, compact('total', 'places')); } /** * Create a new boolean column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function boolean($column) { return $this->addColumn('boolean', $column); } /** * Create a new enum column on the table. * * @param string $column * @param array $allowed * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function enum($column, array $allowed) { return $this->addColumn('enum', $column, compact('allowed')); } /** * Create a new json column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function json($column) { return $this->addColumn('json', $column); } /** * Create a new jsonb column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function jsonb($column) { return $this->addColumn('jsonb', $column); } /** * Create a new date column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function date($column) { return $this->addColumn('date', $column); } /** * Create a new date-time column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function dateTime($column) { return $this->addColumn('dateTime', $column); } /** * Create a new date-time column (with time zone) on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function dateTimeTz($column) { return $this->addColumn('dateTimeTz', $column); } /** * Create a new time column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function time($column) { return $this->addColumn('time', $column); } /** * Create a new time column (with time zone) on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function timeTz($column) { return $this->addColumn('timeTz', $column); } /** * Create a new timestamp column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function timestamp($column) { return $this->addColumn('timestamp', $column); } /** * Create a new timestamp (with time zone) column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function timestampTz($column) { return $this->addColumn('timestampTz', $column); } /** * Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table. * * @return void */ public function nullableTimestamps() { $this->timestamp('created_at')->nullable(); $this->timestamp('updated_at')->nullable(); } /** * Add creation and update timestamps to the table. * * @return void */ public function timestamps() { $this->timestamp('created_at'); $this->timestamp('updated_at'); } /** * Add creation and update timestampTz columns to the table. * * @return void */ public function timestampsTz() { $this->timestampTz('created_at'); $this->timestampTz('updated_at'); } /** * Add a "deleted at" timestamp for the table. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function softDeletes() { return $this->timestamp('deleted_at')->nullable(); } /** * Create a new binary column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function binary($column) { return $this->addColumn('binary', $column); } /** * Create a new uuid column on the table. * * @param string $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function uuid($column) { return $this->addColumn('uuid', $column); } /** * Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table. * * @param string $name * @param string|null $indexName * @return void */ public function morphs($name, $indexName = null) { $this->unsignedInteger("{$name}_id"); $this->string("{$name}_type"); $this->index(["{$name}_id", "{$name}_type"], $indexName); } /** * Adds the `remember_token` column to the table. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function rememberToken() { return $this->string('remember_token', 100)->nullable(); } /** * Create a new drop index command on the blueprint. * * @param string $command * @param string $type * @param string|array $index * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ protected function dropIndexCommand($command, $type, $index) { $columns = []; // If the given "index" is actually an array of columns, the developer means // to drop an index merely by specifying the columns involved without the // conventional name, so we will build the index name from the columns. if (is_array($index)) { $columns = $index; $index = $this->createIndexName($type, $columns); } return $this->indexCommand($command, $columns, $index); } /** * Add a new index command to the blueprint. * * @param string $type * @param string|array $columns * @param string $index * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ protected function indexCommand($type, $columns, $index) { $columns = (array) $columns; // If no name was specified for this index, we will create one using a basic // convention of the table name, followed by the columns, followed by an // index type, such as primary or index, which makes the index unique. if (is_null($index)) { $index = $this->createIndexName($type, $columns); } return $this->addCommand($type, compact('index', 'columns')); } /** * Create a default index name for the table. * * @param string $type * @param array $columns * @return string */ protected function createIndexName($type, array $columns) { $index = strtolower($this->table.'_'.implode('_', $columns).'_'.$type); return str_replace(['-', '.'], '_', $index); } /** * Add a new column to the blueprint. * * @param string $type * @param string $name * @param array $parameters * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ public function addColumn($type, $name, array $parameters = []) { $attributes = array_merge(compact('type', 'name'), $parameters); $this->columns[] = $column = new Fluent($attributes); return $column; } /** * Remove a column from the schema blueprint. * * @param string $name * @return $this */ public function removeColumn($name) { $this->columns = array_values(array_filter($this->columns, function ($c) use ($name) { return $c['attributes']['name'] != $name; })); return $this; } /** * Add a new command to the blueprint. * * @param string $name * @param array $parameters * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ protected function addCommand($name, array $parameters = []) { $this->commands[] = $command = $this->createCommand($name, $parameters); return $command; } /** * Create a new Fluent command. * * @param string $name * @param array $parameters * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent */ protected function createCommand($name, array $parameters = []) { return new Fluent(array_merge(compact('name'), $parameters)); } /** * Get the table the blueprint describes. * * @return string */ public function getTable() { return $this->table; } /** * Get the columns on the blueprint. * * @return array */ public function getColumns() { return $this->columns; } /** * Get the commands on the blueprint. * * @return array */ public function getCommands() { return $this->commands; } /** * Get the columns on the blueprint that should be added. * * @return array */ public function getAddedColumns() { return array_filter($this->columns, function ($column) { return ! $column->change; }); } /** * Get the columns on the blueprint that should be changed. * * @return array */ public function getChangedColumns() { return array_filter($this->columns, function ($column) { return (bool) $column->change; }); } }