* @license GNU LGPLv3+ http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html */ namespace Svg\Surface; use Svg\Document; use Svg\Style; class SurfaceCpdf implements SurfaceInterface { const DEBUG = false; /** @var \CPdf\CPdf */ private $canvas; private $width; private $height; /** @var Style */ private $style; public function __construct(Document $doc, $canvas = null) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $dimensions = $doc->getDimensions(); $w = $dimensions["width"]; $h = $dimensions["height"]; if (!$canvas) { $canvas = new \CPdf\CPdf(array(0, 0, $w, $h)); $refl = new \ReflectionClass($canvas); $canvas->fontcache = realpath(dirname($refl->getFileName()) . "/../../fonts/")."/"; } // Flip PDF coordinate system so that the origin is in // the top left rather than the bottom left $canvas->transform(array( 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, $h )); $this->width = $w; $this->height = $h; $this->canvas = $canvas; } function out() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; return $this->canvas->output(); } public function save() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->save(); } public function restore() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->restore(); } public function scale($x, $y) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->transform($x, 0, 0, $y, 0, 0); } public function rotate($angle) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $a = deg2rad($angle); $cos_a = cos($a); $sin_a = sin($a); $this->transform( $cos_a, $sin_a, -$sin_a, $cos_a, 0, 0 ); } public function translate($x, $y) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->transform( 1, 0, 0, 1, $x, $y ); } public function transform($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->transform(array($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f)); } public function beginPath() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; // TODO: Implement beginPath() method. } public function closePath() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->closePath(); } public function fillStroke() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->fillStroke(); } public function clip() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->clip(); } public function fillText($text, $x, $y, $maxWidth = null) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->addText($x, $y, $this->style->fontSize, $text); } public function strokeText($text, $x, $y, $maxWidth = null) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->addText($x, $y, $this->style->fontSize, $text); } public function drawImage($image, $sx, $sy, $sw = null, $sh = null, $dx = null, $dy = null, $dw = null, $dh = null) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; if (strpos($image, "data:") === 0) { $parts = explode(',', $image, 2); $data = $parts[1]; $base64 = false; $token = strtok($parts[0], ';'); while ($token !== false) { if ($token == 'base64') { $base64 = true; } $token = strtok(';'); } if ($base64) { $data = base64_decode($data); } } else { $data = file_get_contents($image); } $image = tempnam("", "svg"); file_put_contents($image, $data); $img = $this->image($image, $sx, $sy, $sw, $sh, "normal"); unlink($image); } public static function getimagesize($filename) { static $cache = array(); if (isset($cache[$filename])) { return $cache[$filename]; } list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($filename); if ($width == null || $height == null) { $data = file_get_contents($filename, null, null, 0, 26); if (substr($data, 0, 2) === "BM") { $meta = unpack('vtype/Vfilesize/Vreserved/Voffset/Vheadersize/Vwidth/Vheight', $data); $width = (int)$meta['width']; $height = (int)$meta['height']; $type = IMAGETYPE_BMP; } } return $cache[$filename] = array($width, $height, $type); } function image($img, $x, $y, $w, $h, $resolution = "normal") { list($width, $height, $type) = $this->getimagesize($img); switch ($type) { case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $this->canvas->addJpegFromFile($img, $x, $y - $h, $w, $h); break; case IMAGETYPE_GIF: case IMAGETYPE_BMP: // @todo use cache for BMP and GIF $img = $this->_convert_gif_bmp_to_png($img, $type); case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $this->canvas->addPngFromFile($img, $x, $y - $h, $w, $h); break; default: } } public function lineTo($x, $y) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->lineTo($x, $y); } public function moveTo($x, $y) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->moveTo($x, $y); } public function quadraticCurveTo($cpx, $cpy, $x, $y) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; // FIXME not accurate $this->canvas->quadTo($cpx, $cpy, $x, $y); } public function bezierCurveTo($cp1x, $cp1y, $cp2x, $cp2y, $x, $y) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->curveTo($cp1x, $cp1y, $cp2x, $cp2y, $x, $y); } public function arcTo($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $radius) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; } public function arc($x, $y, $radius, $startAngle, $endAngle, $anticlockwise = false) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->ellipse($x, $y, $radius, $radius, 0, 8, $startAngle, $endAngle, false, false, false, true); } public function circle($x, $y, $radius) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->ellipse($x, $y, $radius, $radius, 0, 8, 0, 360, true, false, false, false); } public function ellipse($x, $y, $radiusX, $radiusY, $rotation, $startAngle, $endAngle, $anticlockwise) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->ellipse($x, $y, $radiusX, $radiusY, 0, 8, 0, 360, false, false, false, false); } public function fillRect($x, $y, $w, $h) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->rect($x, $y, $w, $h); $this->fill(); } public function rect($x, $y, $w, $h, $rx = 0, $ry = 0) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $canvas = $this->canvas; if ($rx <= 0.000001/* && $ry <= 0.000001*/) { $canvas->rect($x, $y, $w, $h); return; } $rx = min($rx, $w / 2); $rx = min($rx, $h / 2); /* Define a path for a rectangle with corners rounded by a given radius. * Start from the lower left corner and proceed counterclockwise. */ $this->moveTo($x + $rx, $y); /* Start of the arc segment in the lower right corner */ $this->lineTo($x + $w - $rx, $y); /* Arc segment in the lower right corner */ $this->arc($x + $w - $rx, $y + $rx, $rx, 270, 360); /* Start of the arc segment in the upper right corner */ $this->lineTo($x + $w, $y + $h - $rx ); /* Arc segment in the upper right corner */ $this->arc($x + $w - $rx, $y + $h - $rx, $rx, 0, 90); /* Start of the arc segment in the upper left corner */ $this->lineTo($x + $rx, $y + $h); /* Arc segment in the upper left corner */ $this->arc($x + $rx, $y + $h - $rx, $rx, 90, 180); /* Start of the arc segment in the lower left corner */ $this->lineTo($x , $y + $rx); /* Arc segment in the lower left corner */ $this->arc($x + $rx, $y + $rx, $rx, 180, 270); } public function fill() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->fill(); } public function strokeRect($x, $y, $w, $h) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->rect($x, $y, $w, $h); $this->stroke(); } public function stroke() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->stroke(); } public function endPath() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->canvas->endPath(); } public function measureText($text) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $style = $this->getStyle(); $this->setFont($style->fontFamily, $style->fontStyle, $style->fontWeight); return $this->canvas->getTextWidth($this->getStyle()->fontSize, $text); } public function getStyle() { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; return $this->style; } public function setStyle(Style $style) { if (self::DEBUG) echo __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->style = $style; $canvas = $this->canvas; if (is_array($style->stroke) && $stroke = $style->stroke) { $canvas->setStrokeColor(array((float)$stroke[0]/255, (float)$stroke[1]/255, (float)$stroke[2]/255), true); } if (is_array($style->fill) && $fill = $style->fill) { $canvas->setColor(array((float)$fill[0]/255, (float)$fill[1]/255, (float)$fill[2]/255), true); } if ($fillRule = strtolower($style->fillRule)) { $canvas->setFillRule($fillRule); } $opacity = $style->opacity; if ($opacity !== null && $opacity < 1.0) { $canvas->setLineTransparency("Normal", $opacity); $canvas->currentLineTransparency = null; $canvas->setFillTransparency("Normal", $opacity); $canvas->currentFillTransparency = null; } else { $fillOpacity = $style->fillOpacity; if ($fillOpacity !== null && $fillOpacity < 1.0) { $canvas->setFillTransparency("Normal", $fillOpacity); $canvas->currentFillTransparency = null; } $strokeOpacity = $style->strokeOpacity; if ($strokeOpacity !== null && $strokeOpacity < 1.0) { $canvas->setLineTransparency("Normal", $strokeOpacity); $canvas->currentLineTransparency = null; } } $dashArray = null; if ($style->strokeDasharray) { $dashArray = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $style->strokeDasharray); } $canvas->setLineStyle( $style->strokeWidth, $style->strokeLinecap, $style->strokeLinejoin, $dashArray ); $this->setFont($style->fontFamily, $style->fontStyle, $style->fontWeight); } public function setFont($family, $style, $weight) { $map = array( "serif" => "Times", "sans-serif" => "Helvetica", "fantasy" => "Symbol", "cursive" => "Times", "monospace" => "Courier", "arial" => "Helvetica", "verdana" => "Helvetica", ); $styleMap = array( 'Helvetica' => array( 'b' => 'Helvetica-Bold', 'i' => 'Helvetica-Oblique', 'bi' => 'Helvetica-BoldOblique', ), 'Courier' => array( 'b' => 'Courier-Bold', 'i' => 'Courier-Oblique', 'bi' => 'Courier-BoldOblique', ), 'Times' => array( '' => 'Times-Roman', 'b' => 'Times-Bold', 'i' => 'Times-Italic', 'bi' => 'Times-BoldItalic', ), ); $family = strtolower($family); $style = strtolower($style); $weight = strtolower($weight); if (isset($map[$family])) { $family = $map[$family]; } if (isset($styleMap[$family])) { $key = ""; if ($weight === "bold" || $weight === "bolder" || (is_numeric($weight) && $weight >= 600)) { $key .= "b"; } if ($style === "italic" || $style === "oblique") { $key .= "i"; } if (isset($styleMap[$family][$key])) { $family = $styleMap[$family][$key]; } } $this->canvas->selectFont("$family.afm"); } }