* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Polyfill\Util; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class TestListenerTrait { public static $enabledPolyfills; public function startTestSuite($mainSuite) { if (null !== self::$enabledPolyfills) { return; } self::$enabledPolyfills = false; $SkippedTestError = class_exists('PHPUnit\Framework\SkippedTestError') ? 'PHPUnit\Framework\SkippedTestError' : 'PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestError'; <<<<<<< HEAD $TestListener = class_exists('Symfony\Polyfill\Util\TestListener', false) ? 'Symfony\Polyfill\Util\TestListener' : 'Symfony\Polyfill\Util\LegacyTestListener'; ======= >>>>>>> 2b43fbe48cc5449d612eb7f6b1c175cdf5c5658f foreach ($mainSuite->tests() as $suite) { $testClass = $suite->getName(); if (!$tests = $suite->tests()) { continue; } if (!preg_match('/^(.+)\\\\Tests(\\\\.*)Test$/', $testClass, $m)) { <<<<<<< HEAD $mainSuite->addTest($TestListener::warning('Unknown naming convention for '.$testClass)); ======= $mainSuite->addTest(TestListener::warning('Unknown naming convention for '.$testClass)); >>>>>>> 2b43fbe48cc5449d612eb7f6b1c175cdf5c5658f continue; } if (!class_exists($m[1].$m[2])) { continue; } $testedClass = new \ReflectionClass($m[1].$m[2]); $bootstrap = new \SplFileObject(\dirname($testedClass->getFileName()).'/bootstrap.php'); $warnings = array(); $defLine = null; foreach (new \RegexIterator($bootstrap, '/define\(\'/') as $defLine) { preg_match('/define\(\'(?P.+)\'/', $defLine, $matches); if (\defined($matches['name'])) { continue; } try { eval($defLine); } catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_Exception $ex){ <<<<<<< HEAD $warnings[] = $TestListener::warning($ex->getMessage()); } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\Exception $ex) { $warnings[] = $TestListener::warning($ex->getMessage()); ======= $warnings[] = TestListener::warning($ex->getMessage()); } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\Exception $ex) { $warnings[] = TestListener::warning($ex->getMessage()); >>>>>>> 2b43fbe48cc5449d612eb7f6b1c175cdf5c5658f } } $bootstrap->rewind(); foreach (new \RegexIterator($bootstrap, '/return p\\\\'.$testedClass->getShortName().'::/') as $defLine) { if (!preg_match('/^\s*function (?P[^\(]++)(?P\(.*\)) \{ (?return p\\\\'.$testedClass->getShortName().'::[^\(]++)(?P\([^\)]*+\)); \}$/', $defLine, $f)) { <<<<<<< HEAD $warnings[] = $TestListener::warning('Invalid line in bootstrap.php: '.trim($defLine)); ======= $warnings[] = TestListener::warning('Invalid line in bootstrap.php: '.trim($defLine)); >>>>>>> 2b43fbe48cc5449d612eb7f6b1c175cdf5c5658f continue; } $testNamespace = substr($testClass, 0, strrpos($testClass, '\\')); if (\function_exists($testNamespace.'\\'.$f['name'])) { continue; } try { $r = new \ReflectionFunction($f['name']); if ($r->isUserDefined()) { throw new \ReflectionException(); } if ('idn_to_ascii' === $f['name'] || 'idn_to_utf8' === $f['name']) { $defLine = sprintf('return INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 === $variant ? \\%s($domain, $options, $variant) : \\%1$s%s', $f['name'], $f['args']); } elseif (false !== strpos($f['signature'], '&') && 'idn_to_ascii' !== $f['name'] && 'idn_to_utf8' !== $f['name']) { $defLine = sprintf('return \\%s%s', $f['name'], $f['args']); } else { $defLine = sprintf("return \\call_user_func_array('%s', \\func_get_args())", $f['name']); } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { $defLine = sprintf("throw new \\{$SkippedTestError}('Internal function not found: %s')", $f['name']); } eval(<<getNamespaceName()} as p; function {$f['name']}{$f['signature']} { if ('{$testClass}' === TestListenerTrait::\$enabledPolyfills) { {$f['return']}{$f['args']}; } {$defLine}; } EOPHP ); } if (!$warnings && null === $defLine) { $warnings[] = new $SkippedTestError('No Polyfills found in bootstrap.php for '.$testClass); } else { <<<<<<< HEAD $mainSuite->addTest(new $TestListener($suite)); ======= $mainSuite->addTest(new TestListener($suite)); >>>>>>> 2b43fbe48cc5449d612eb7f6b1c175cdf5c5658f } } foreach ($warnings as $w) { $mainSuite->addTest($w); } } public function addError($test, \Exception $e, $time) { if (false !== self::$enabledPolyfills) { $r = new \ReflectionProperty('Exception', 'message'); $r->setAccessible(true); $r->setValue($e, 'Polyfills enabled, '.$r->getValue($e)); } } }